Comments on: Almond Biscuits and…Starting School Hot Food, Spicy Stories Fri, 18 Feb 2022 04:11:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Minnie@thelady8home Fri, 28 Jun 2013 23:40:10 +0000 Archie is so cute……Charlie, you could write a book on your little big guy. He is just so adorable – or should I now say handsome – but more than that, he has been a poster child for every one of those children who have been through a difficult school life but then go on to realize their dreams.

By: Daisy@Nevertoosweet Tue, 25 Jun 2013 00:57:53 +0000 Hahhaa i love how quickly Archie’s behaviour changed as soon as he knew that he was going to be the only one left behind in preschool poor kid hehe glad he was well-behaved and the teacher became his favourite 🙂

These almond biscuits look great but damn a colleague of mine is nut allergic so now things that I make have to be nut-free hehe

By: Charles Mon, 24 Jun 2013 18:14:41 +0000 Oh, that brings back memories – my mother used to make these cookies when I was a kid. Haven’t seen these in years. Must give them a try again sometime – I used to really enjoy them.

By: Christine @ Cooking Crusade Mon, 24 Jun 2013 11:57:26 +0000 What a lovely Mum you are, bringing your kids baked treats on the way home 🙂 I would definitely love a couple of these right now!

By: Desire Empire Mon, 24 Jun 2013 03:51:00 +0000 Another great story about your beautiful boy. Kids are so clever aren’t they and what a fabulous teacher she must have been.

By: Jenny @ BAKE Sun, 23 Jun 2013 14:00:06 +0000 These biscuits look delicious! I love how you’ve decorated them!

By: Suzanne Perazzini Sun, 23 Jun 2013 01:57:33 +0000 What fun times! Our kids can embarrass us like no one else can. I had a few times when I wanted to crawl under the mat too. The right teacher can make all the difference though.

By: Jo Sat, 22 Jun 2013 17:58:18 +0000 LOL, your son sounds a lot like my little boy was. Very precocious and full of energy all the time. He was quite a stinker some times, but always wanted to be a good boy, he just found it hard to sit still and pay attention some times. We always had to make sure we had his full attention before giving him instructions or we may as well not even give them…gosh I miss that boy! Your biscuits look lovely! I love almond! xo

By: Seana Smith Fri, 21 Jun 2013 04:55:23 +0000 Yum! I’m just off to school with some Anzac cookies, I used coconut sugar in them for the first time ever. I find them hideously sweet but the twins like them. These almond biscuits look much more my thing.

By: Debra Fri, 21 Jun 2013 04:01:19 +0000 What a funny little fellow! He definitely has had his own way with self-expression, and I think you may have seen the earliest stages of the artist’s temperament! 🙂 I’m actually amazed that the teacher was sensitive to him, requesting more time rather than simply determining the behavior indicated a lack of readiness for school! You get credit in my book, too, for your own sensitivity–some parents buckle under the scrutiny of other parents and end up being very disappointed in their own children! I wish my mom had baked delicious cookies to get me through the day…these are beautiful almond biscuits. I can’t wait to try them!
