Cracker Mania

Day 7 in our 10-part series and we’ve landed back in Australia and we’re in Sydney. I mentioned in Part 1 of the series that I would be sharing recipes that intimidated me.  This is one of them.  I’ve seen crackers on other blogs and although I’ve been inspired to take up the challenge, I’ve […]

Crispy Baked Chicken with Tonkatsu Sauce

After a couple of days of not being exactly sure of where we were, I definitely know where we are now.  We’re on the West Coast of the USA and in the beautiful city of San Francisco.  (I don’t mean to spoil the illusion but this is a virtual tour – it’s just I’ve had […]

Melting Moments with Passionfruit Cream

Moving down from the Sunshine Coast where we tried Maureen’s Asparagus and Potato Tart, is the second stop on our 10-part journey.  It’s the Gold Coast which is about a three-hour drive south of the Sunshine Coast and where we find Liz, from  Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard.  Liz is a fairly new blogger and one of […]

Asparagus and Potato Tart

Over here at Hotly Spiced Headquarters, we’re starting a 10-day series on covering recipes from blogs that have inspired, intrigued and impressed me.  Some of these recipes have also either brought a nostalgic touch or thrown me an incredible challenge.  I have seen all of these recipes on blogs I subscribe to and at the […]