
  1. Gina Burgio says:

    We were here just recently. It is called Turtle Bay, Marine Conservation Bay. There was a small sign when you enter from the road, but that was it. Our guide, Lily, was so lovely. She showed us around the village and introduced us to her nieces and nephew. Our kids were so surprised at the living conditions and the tiny houses (and the communal kitchen). I think that we really take so much for granted. Whilst there, we donated some books and art/craft supplies to the kids from that village. They were so appreciative of our small gesture. This was one experience we will never forget. Feeding those giant turtles was amazing! We were not as brave as you guys though (no swimming for us). The baby reef sharks were enough to scare us off.

    • Thanks so much for letting me know; it’s lovely to hear from you. I’m glad you went there and had a great experience and next time we go, we’ll be sure to take some supplies for the children in the local village. It’s great that you were so well prepared.

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