Comments on: Vanilla Pavlova with Berries and…Window Cleaners Hot Food, Spicy Stories Fri, 18 Feb 2022 04:11:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tiny Dancer « Eat, Play, Love Wed, 05 Sep 2012 03:57:22 +0000 […] Charlie’s Vanilla Pavlova with Whipped Cream and Berries […]

By: April Mon, 13 Feb 2012 01:53:28 +0000 I just watched someone make a beautiful pavlova on the Food channel. Not as gorgeous as yours, of course! I’ve never made one as was a little worried about whether I could pull it off. But if you’re going to give it a 2 out of a 5 on the difficulty scale – then I’m going to go for it! 🙂

By: Lucas @ Tue, 31 Jan 2012 05:16:33 +0000 I’ve had various tradesfolk come to our place for estimates and repairs, and though I’ve always felt bad playing video games while they worked, I’ve not had problems, except for when one guy does e estimate, another does the work, and the first guy comes back for something else and notices it got done, but he didn’t do it. Which is awkward.

By: Eva Tue, 31 Jan 2012 04:13:43 +0000 Ehat horrible luck with the window cleaners! We recently replaced all of our old windows in our 1928 house, you can clean both sides from the inside!
That pavlova looks incredible! I’ll have to try making one, I’ve never made one before!

By: hotlyspiced Tue, 31 Jan 2012 03:30:30 +0000 Yes, humidity is a problem with meringue so it is easier to make during the cooler months. I had trouble with this pavlova and the meringues I posted recently. They go soft with the humidity. We have humidity going on here in a big way at the moment.

By: Gretchen O'Donnell Tue, 31 Jan 2012 02:44:05 +0000 Pavlova was my Scottish grandmother’s favorite dessert because – even way back in the ’70’s – she was smart enough to know that she needed to be gluten-free. My husband doesn’t like mereigne (sp!) so I’ve never made it, but it looks so gorgeous!!! I’ve tried to make it at Easter before, but it is often too humid by then so it didn’t turn out too well…

By: sheri Tue, 31 Jan 2012 00:24:34 +0000 This looks amazing! I’ve never made a Pavlova before and have never seen malt vinegar used in a meringue recipe. Must try!

By: InTolerant Chef Mon, 30 Jan 2012 21:57:00 +0000 Why thankyou Charlie! I have graduated to chopping with my left hand now- I’m getting quite ambidextrous! I lose the sling this week for home use, but I still need to be protected from jiggles when out and about. My arms still quite un-usable, so there’s still a ways to go. I guess slow but steady will be my motto for quite a while still 🙁

By: Charles Mon, 30 Jan 2012 21:49:43 +0000 Hehe, my parents’ last experience with a window cleaner ended up with one of the younger workmen falling through their garage roof when he stepped on a part of the roof which wasn’t supposed by joists. Thankfully he was fine, and as luck would have it, his brother was a roofer, so the hole was all patched up by the evening, free of charge!

Great looking pavlova – I haven’t had one of these babies in ages – it’s one of my favourite desserts!

By: Celia Mon, 30 Jan 2012 20:11:06 +0000 Lawnmowing men. That was our bugbear – the first one was great, but he sold his business after a year to Adam, who was actually a career fireman, so sometimes he just didn’t show up to do the lawns and when he did, the edges were dodgy. He was truly lovely though, kept trying to sell Pete tropical fish. I think he’s now a Station Master somewhere. Good guy, lousy lawnmower man. Then he sold his business to another guy who showed up for a year, then one day just disappeared. We suspect he might have died, but had no way to find out, his phone number just stopped answering.

Oh, and house cleaners. Sigh…don’t get me started there. After the third cleaner with the “you know I’m only doing this to make a little money between jobs/uni/acting, I’m really much better than this, and how dare you criticize my work just because the toilet is still filthy when I’m finished?” attitude, I gave up, bought a Roomba and scrubbed the toilets myself. 🙂

Now Charlie, aren’t you sorry you asked? 😉
