Tarragon Honey Mustard

One of my favourite indulgences is a long hot shower.  I usually lean against the wall and let the water pelt onto my back while I clear my head and enjoy a few moments of solitude.

Tarragon Honey Mustard

Tarragon Honey Mustard

Yesterday I was home-alone with just the little guy and I thought before hopping into the shower I would first tackle the house that had certainly unravelled.  Some projects take longer than you think they might, and it took more than three hours to get everything up off the floor, deal with the washing, give the horizontal surfaces a once-over and clean up whatever it was that exploded in the microwave.

Mustard flavoured with honey and tarragon

Mustard flavoured with honey and tarragon

By then I was ready for my much-awaited shower.  I had barely been in there long enough to get wet when the water started getting a little cool.  I inched up the dial and put the shampoo in my hair.  That’s when the hot water died altogether.  But I still had to rinse out the shampoo and put in the conditioner and douse myself in soap.  I have never managed that trifecta in less time in my life.

Easy to make

Easy to make

It took me about an hour to thaw out and when Drew came home I sent him under the house to launch an investigation and he came back declaring the fuses are fine so probably the element is gone.  Sounds like we need a new hot water heater.

Makes about 1 cup

Makes about 1 cup

In the meantime we can shower at the swim centre for 50c per three minutes – and those are very short minutes!  Or I can go to the gym and shower there so plenty of options.  Wouldn’t mind a bit of hot water at home though!

Will keep in the fridge for about 3 months

Will keep in the fridge for about 3 months

After I go to the gym or the swim centre, I usually call into Scoop to reward myself with a few treats, especially if Tiago has just made me do 76 push-ups.  When I’m there scooping up licorice, chocolate incaberries and chilli macadamia nuts, I see containers of things like mustard seeds and wonder what people would do with them.  Probably make mustard.

A grainy mustard

A grainy mustard

So I added a few scoops of mustard seeds to my selection of treats and came home and started making mustard.  Mustard is easy to make but it takes a few days and even when it’s made, it will taste even better if left for a few more.  Once the mustard is made it will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for about three months.

A wee bit of mustard for lunch

A wee bit of mustard for lunch

I’ll leave you with the recipe – must go on a search for some hot water.

5.0 from 4 reviews
Tarragon Honey Mustard
Recipe type: Condiment
Cuisine: Australian
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: About a cup
How to make your own mustard. This is tarragon honey mustard but if you don't like tarragon and honey you can leave them out and just have mustard.
  • ¼ cup yellow mustard seeds
  • ¼ cup brown mustard seeds
  • ½ cup dry white wine
  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • 2 tbs honey
  • 2 tbs chopped fresh tarragon
  1. Combine mustard seeds, wine, vinegar and salt in a small non-reactive bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Allow to sit at room temperature for 48 hours.
  2. Add honey and tarragon.
  3. Strain, but reserve liquid.
  4. Put seeds into a blender (I used a nutri-bullet) and add enough of the liquid to make a spreadable consistency. Give it a whizz but not for too long as this is a grainy mustard and you don't want it to end up smooth. Add more of the liquid as required until mustard is of desired consistency.
  5. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three months.




  1. I had the same thing happen to me but I was washing the shampoo out of my hair. It was a COLD rinse. Luckily, I rent my hot water heater so they were there the next day to replace it.

    That’s one appetizing looking sandwich … must be the mustard.

  2. It’s funny, but I’ve always thought about making mustard, and just have never taken the time to hunt up a recipe and go for it! Thank you for this recipe–now I’ve no excuse! Plumbing problems of any sort are so frustrating. We’re trying to conserve water in California and being told to take very short showers. I think you’ve hit upon how we might regulate those showers. If we only had cold water those showers would be very fast! 🙂

  3. Cold showers love them NOT!. This happened to us a few years ago, so not fun. Think I might give that mustard recipe a go, looks easy enough that even I think I could do this 🙂

  4. Welcome to my life – here on the farm we have no mains water or gas. We catch all our own water, for the house & garden, and rely on pumps – which means no power, no water. We also have bottled gas. For some reason, the fates are totally in tune with when I am due for a hair wash and if the gas bottle is due to run out or the electricity gods feel like taking a break it is always when I have a head full of shampoo. And I mean ALWAYS. Never anyone else – just me. Bloody infuriating!

  5. I’d be avoiding the gym if I had to do 76 pushups – hot water or not! I had no idea mustard was so easy to make – it would make great Christmas presents too.

  6. I agree with Nancy, this would make a fab gift. i hope you get the water fixed. GG

  7. Oh that’s annoying! Our hot water heater suddenly halved its capacity because of the element and it made for some very quick showering. Hope you get your hot water back soon Charlie.

  8. Charlie, I love mustard but have never made homemade. (Shakes head in disbelief…) This sounds wonderful! Cold showers not so much. May you soon be back in your own warm watery retreat — followed or preceded by this sandwich slathered with mustard!

  9. Why must hot water always die in winter?! I guess your gym visits may be frequent over the next little while :p

    I’ve never thought about how one makes mustard so this has me intrigued. It sounds very flavourful.

  10. 76 Pushups!!?? The men’s kind? WOW.
    Also, the mustard looks GREAT!! xx

  11. It’s no fun to not have hot water when you need it! Although here in Canada we’re at the height of summer and an icy blast is just the ticket for me! I won’t say I’m representative of all Canadians in that regard, though; most people think I’m crazy for liking a cold shower, but I find it the perfect way to refresh in this hot and sticky weather.

  12. Must have been the week for it – Charlie – had the same thing happen to me last week had only just got in the shower and it went ice cold – the gas man was fixing/replacing something without warning! I love making mustard – it is one of my foodie gifts – this recipe looks fab.

  13. Now I want a ham and mustard sandwich for lunch! Yum! Oh cold showers in winter are so not pleasant. We had dodgy hot water for the first few months we moved into our house and that was in winter too. I’m thinking mustard might be a good one for the Christmas gift list.

  14. Iw ant to know why Charlie the hot water carked it on the coldest winter day! It couldn’t be a 44 degree day! lol I LOVE mustard and your recipe looks delicious! This would be perfect to make as gifts for friends too!

  15. Oh Charlie, that shower must have been a hard one…but think about this…it’s said that if you take really cold shower after a hot one, your body is totally rejuvnated. Not that I try it too much – the thawing out process is a bit painful you see…

    The ham and mustard sandwich looks so delightful!

  16. I probably couldn’t do 5 pushups! Well done!
    We have 2 water heaters (geysers) and I cannot tell you how often I have been so thankfully to have 2. Fab mustard.
    Have a beautiful week.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  17. I love making my own mustard! It’s just so much better, although I do love Dijon. I’ve had the same experience. It always happens just after the shampooing!

  18. I love home made mustard! It is the best 🙂 Liz xxx

  19. I was given some homemade mustard by a friend years ago and it was amazing. Yours sounds terrific, too. Been there with the cold shower—hope you have a new hot water heater by now!!! xo

  20. Oh dear, that’s awful that the hot water broke down. It happened to us while The Hungarians were visiting…that was $250 and then after another problem occurred and another $250 later we have hot water. It’s infuriating!
    I made mustard a few years ago and I had no idea it was that easy! I’ve been making it ever since. I love the tarragon in yours, such a sophisticated flavour. The colour is beautiful too. Apparently the hotter the water you use with the seeds the spicier the mustard will result! I thought that pretty cool. Hope your water gets fixed real soon.

  21. Have never tried making my own mustard but you’ve inspired me!

  22. I love adding mustard to cooking so home made mustard is something I keep meaning to make – this sounds really lovely. And sorry to hear about your hot water – I am not good in the morning without a shower and I can’t stand the showers in our local pool which are freezing and only go on for about 1 minute and then have to be restarted and go hot and cold – it is luxury to go to the pool near my parents where it runs hot for as long as you like

  23. Well good and bad news about that water heater… there have been reports that it is very beneficial to your health to take cold invigorating showers. or not? ! Loving this mustard sauce and yes it would make a fabulous gift!

  24. No hot water in winter? Yikes! At least you had other options, which is terrific. I love the mustard recipe–I love mustard in general and this version looks wonderful.

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