‘There is a time for everything, and a season for everything under the heavens’.

I’d like to thank you all for your kind, thoughtful and supportive comments regarding my friend suffering pulmonary fibrosis.  About 10 days ago I let you know she was in hospital awaiting a double lung transplant.  Our hopes, wishes and prayers were with her during this time however I need to let you know that on Friday night, this beautiful person lost her battle.


We are all devastated beyond belief as we were all so confident this would not be the outcome.

Ngaire was a most beautiful person.  A wife and mother of three boys with a twin sister and three brothers.  She was a best friend to many, many, many and oozed creativity, living her life as a very talented artist.

This morning’s church service was a time of coming together; of remembrance and thankfulness and celebration for having known such a special and magnificent person.  It was a teary one.

A scripture was read that best sums up how she courageously fought her 13-year battle with this most hideous and cruel disease.

‘For I am already being poured out like a drink offering and the time has come for my departure.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness’.  2 Timothy 5-8.

On facebook I found one of her paintings that not only shows her talent but captures the type of person she was; a person who saw only the beauty and the good in everything around her.


She will be greatly missed.





  1. I am sorry for your loss and by the look of her painting it is a great loss indeed. It is so unnatural when a parent dies with young kids. The lottery of life is such a crazy game.

  2. My deepest condolences go out to her family and special love across the miles to you. So sorry for your loss. MHDSRIP. xxx

  3. I’m so sad for you and your friends family and friends xxx

  4. Charlie:
    So, so sorry for your loss. And for Ngaire’s family’s loss. A beautiful life gone too soon.

  5. I’m so sorry to see this, Charlie. My thoughts are with you, your community and Ngaire’s family at this sad time. Take care, Erin.

  6. Oh Charlie 🙁 My condolences to you and her family. The paintings are certainly so full of life, colour and charm. I hope they hang proudly at her house for her family to remember and celebrate her life

  7. Sorry for your loss Charlie and to her family. Looking at that beautiful painting, tells us everything about her, such a vibrant and happy canvas.
    May God grant her family patience in this difficult time.


  8. Oh Charlie, I’m so sorry for her family and good friends like you. I remember the dish you made for them with such love. I’ll keep them and you in my prayers. She surely was a very special person.

  9. I am so sad for you–but the scripture you provided was a wonderful summation (((hugs))) to you and all who miss her

  10. p.s. her painting is absolutely beautiful and shows a beautiful soul

  11. I am truly sorry for your loss, we offer our heartfelt condolences.

  12. It is a great loss indeed, my condolences to you, her families and friends.

  13. ‘For I am already being poured out like a drink offering and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness’. 2 Timothy 5-8.

    Abundantly beautiful. And I believe it. She is wearing the crown this moment.

    So sorry about your dear friend. The mourning never ends.

    Xxxx Love from MN.

  14. I’m so sorry to hear the news Charlie. I’m glad you were all able to come together today in remembrance. I hope Alfie is doing okay with it.

  15. Sorry to hear that, take care

  16. How heartbreaking……losing a friend hurts. Take care, and prayers for everyone who was touched by this tragedy. May she rest in peace.

  17. I’m so sorry for her family and her friends. An early death is hard. Thanks for updating us – I’ll be thinking of you.

  18. My condolences to her family and friends on the loss of such a wonderful person.

  19. I missed your writing about your friend.. and reading this here has brought tears to my eyes. What a gift of beautiful spirit she offered to the world and to you.. why is it these lovely souls need to leave us so soon? Sending hugs.. xx

  20. My deepest sympathy and condolences to you, dear. Your was a colorful, full-of-life soul indeed.

  21. Charlie, I am so sorry for your loss, our thoughts and prayers are with you all. What a beautiful tribute to her to find her painting and share it. Peace to you during this time of grieving.

  22. Danielle says:

    So sorry to hear about your friend, what a beautiful tribute x

  23. So sorry for your loss. At the very least, her family has had lots of support from friends like you and will no doubt continue to. Sadness is best shared.

  24. Oh Charlie, I am so sorry to hear about your dear friend. 🙁 My thought and prayers will be with her family and friends.

  25. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with Ngaire’s family and friends x

  26. So sorry to hear about the loss of Ngaire, sending many hugs to you all.

  27. I’ve had this post open for hours trying to think of the right words but there really are no right words when something like this happens. I can only be glad that her family has such wonderful support around them and I’m sure she was a lot more at peace in her final days knowing this too.

  28. Your friend is still warmly alive in so many hearts: there can be no better memorial than that . . . the grief will slowly subside, the wonderful memories remain . . .

  29. I’m so sorry to hear that she passed away. I was holding onto hope that she would get that much needed lung transplant. She will be surely missed. xxx

  30. How very sad to lose your friend after such a brave struggle. Her painting is so full of life and colour. The quote from Timothy is beautiful, and very apt. Condolences to you Charlie, as you grieve.

  31. G’day Charlie and so sorry for your loss and the transplant was not meant to be!
    I had this poem saved and thought it would bring some comfort today to thee!
    Cheers! Joanne

    She Is Just Away

    I cannot say, and I will not say
    That she is dead, she is just away!
    With a Cheery Smile and a wave of the hand
    She has wandered into an unknown land.
    And left us dreaming how very fair
    It needs must be since she lingers there,
    And you – oh you, who the wildest yearn
    For the old-time step and the glad return.

    Think of her fairing on, as dear
    In the love of there, as the love of here,
    Think of her still as the same, I say.
    she is not dead – she is just away.

    – James Whiteomb Riley

  32. I am so sorry – it must be very hard to bear. I lost a dear friend to cancer in 2008, we grew up together as sisters and I still find it very teary when I remember her, and I remember her frequently, amazed and mystified that she is no longer with us. Joanne’s post including that very lovely poem brought me to tears and is so apt when we remember our loved ones. .

    • Thanks Denise and hope it can bring comfort to Charlie and all as for me, death is a celebration of someone’s life that I was bless and privileged to have that loved one in my life for as little or for as long as they have been…I was told a story many years ago that helped me…on one shore is people standing with tears of sadness at losing their long lost loved one; never physically to be seen again, but they are always around us all, especially in a time of need. On the opposite shore are people with tears of joy in being reunited with their long lost lost one that have not seen in years…Hugs to all..

  33. I am so sorry to read this Charlie. Sometimes life is so cruel, it is difficult to understand it. I am thinking of you and your friend’s family and friends xox

  34. Charlie, my deepest sympathy to you, your family, and your friend’s loved ones. Her art is beautiful and will continue to be a visual reminder of this lovely lady’s legacy. I’m so sorry for your loss. There’s a lot of comfort and hope and peace in your post.

  35. I’m very sorry, Charlie. Blessings to you and her family. ~ April

  36. Oh Charlie, I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and her family and friends.

  37. Oh Charlie, how are you doing? It’s so hard to say goodbye. Is Alfie OK, he was so sweet with helping make meals before, it must be hard for him too. Beautiful painting, beautiful scripture sweetie. I’ll be praying for you guys and your friends xox

  38. Oh, Charlie, I am so sorry. That painting. Stunning…

  39. I’m so sad to hear this, and sorry for you, her friend, and her many friends and loving family. A devastating loss. The painting is really beautiful and does give a little sense of the joy she must have exuded in life. There are things we really can’t put words to…a teary one, indeed. ox

  40. So sorry to hear about your friend. What a wonderful tribute to Ngaire – her paintings are truely beautiful.

  41. Much love and condolences to you Charlie on the loss of your friend.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  42. Oh hun – I am so so sorry to her family, and to you. That is just tragic. Sending much love to you xx

  43. How heartbreaking. I cannot imagine how she suffered…and now the pain moves to those she’s left behind. I’m so sorry to hear this news. xo

  44. I am so sorry, Charlie. How hard this must be for her family and friends. What a lovely poem Joanne posted. It also brought me to tears.

  45. 🙁 I’m sorry for your loss Charlie – pull together… support each other at this time. There’s very little I can say which has not already been expressed both here and no doubt in real life, but I’ll be thinking of you all and her family!

  46. My sincere condolences to you and all who knew and loved her. Be strong but take time to mourn too, tears can be healing.

  47. Hi Charlie

    I am really sorry to hear your sad news and I have been reading your blog and have caught up a little. Sorry not to have been around for a bit, much love, Joanna

  48. I am so sorry for your loss, Charlie. It sounds like she was a lovely person and her artwork is beautiful.

  49. Charlie, dear friend, I am so sorry for your loss. That painting is gorgeous! Your friend will be greatly missed, but she is no longer suffering and is now in heaven with her Saviour and Lord, which we could never be sad or sorry about! Bless you and yours…xo

  50. Truly sorry, Charlie, to learn of your friend’s passing. I’m sure she’ll be missed by her family and community and how nice that she left behind such beautiful artwork.

  51. I am so very sorry for your loss.You will see her again.

  52. I’m really sorry for your loss Charlie and to hear that this beautiful person has left her family 🙁 But I believe that she is in a better place now free from pain and suffering xox

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