A Blogging Lunch

A few weeks ago my blogging friend, Seana from Sydney Kids, Food and Travel, invited me to lunch at her home.  I think it had been almost a year since we’d seen each other so a catch-up was long overdue.  Carolyn from Desire Empire was also invited and Robyn, a blogger I hadn’t met, from Mrs D Plus 3.

Seana, Carolyn and Robyn

Seana, Carolyn and Robyn

To make the most of the time we had available before rushing to school pick-up, we agreed to arrive at midday.  And I was on target for a 12 midday arrival, that is until I came home from a morning appointment only to find I’d locked myself out of the house.  I phoned Archie hoping he was home but alas, he’d gone out for a coffee.

Sausage rolls and rare roast beef

Sausage rolls and rare roast beef

But he did tell me there was a way to get into the house and this was how he’d been breaking in on more occasions than he cared to count.  He said, ‘but you’re not going to like it’, and so I knew drama was ahead.

He told me what I had to do and it did involve bending myself in half to crawl through dark, dirty and tiny spaces but eventually I was in the house but covered in dirt.  Due to midday fast approaching I didn’t have time to change my clothes; I just picked up a few things and bolted to the car.  I was now running nearly an hour late.  Unbelievable.

It was a casual 'help yourself' kind of a lunch

It was a casual ‘help yourself’ kind of a lunch

It was a beautiful warm and sunny day and Seana lives on the Northern Beaches in a home where the backyard overlooks the bush and all you can see is blue sky and gum trees.  It’s a very peaceful and serene setting and terrific for people who need to calm down after arriving all flustered.

Rocket, pear and walnut salad

Rocket, pear and walnut salad

We sat outside and enjoyed a chilled fruit tea Seana had made and then came into the dining room to enjoy a lunch Seana had put together from things purchased at the deli and other things she’d had on hand.  Carolyn brought a bottle of chilled rose that was wonderfully refreshing.   Robyn brought a healthy and crunchy fruit salad.

Fruit salad

Fruit salad

I brought some chocolates to have with coffee but we were so busy talking we forgot to eat them.  For me, having arrived so late, it was a 90-minute lunch that went by all too quickly.  It’s always so lovely to get together with girls you have so much in common with and because we always have such a great time when we do get together, with so much to talk about and share, it’s a shame we don’t do it more often.

The view from the outdoor entertaining area

The view from the outdoor entertaining area

Thanks Seana for having us over to your home.  It was lovely to be there.

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  1. I’ve been told that my kids have breaking in to our house, too. Sometimes I wish I just didn’t know some of the stuff they tell me. I’m looking forward to meeting Seana here in Adelaide next month at Tasting Australia’s Words To Go!

  2. Oh Charlie if it’s going to happen it will happen on a day you are going out for lunch. Poor thing. It just so happens I had to break into my own house yesterday too, after my keys were accidentally taken by Skater . Ok I dont want to talk about that anymore. I look forward to meeting Seana

  3. I’ve locked myself out of the house twice in the last 10 yrs. Once I locked my purse, with the car and house keys in it, in the trunk of my car. I forgot I had CAA and had to pay the garage next door to break into my car. Before that, my parents had to drive into town to let me in. At least the outing afterwards was fun.

  4. I have had to break into my own home on more than one occasion, I am just so forgetful with keys!
    Glad you had a wonderful meet up to make up for all that frustration 😀

    Choc Chip Uru

  5. Oh good heavens, what a gong show getting there!! So glad you were able to make it in spite of everything and have such a good time with your friends and new friend. 🙂

  6. I would love to meet some of my blogging friends!! Including YOU!! 😉 I hope to make it to Oz one day!! If I do, I will definitely be looking you up!! xo

  7. Glad you made it after all, thanks to your inventive cat-burglar son’s instruction!

  8. Glad the end game was worth all the drama, It was great to catch up, lets not leave it a year again.


  9. What a fun lunch! Next time you have to do that, please put your phone on video record so we can all see you folded like a pretzel climbing through the window?

  10. I think we;ve all been there in regards to locking ourselves out! I’ve scaled great heights, borrowed ladders, sent kids in through dingy, cramped ways so they can open the house for me…
    The lunch looks lovely.

  11. well there is a mixed blessing – finding your son’s way in to the house without keys – but am glad the blogger get together was all blessings

  12. Oooh breaking into your own house – a bit scary! Glad you eventually got to the lunch, you really must do it more often.

  13. Oh no! Sorry to hear about the rough start to the day or just before lunch. And yes 90minutes always feels like just 5 minutes at a blogger lunch 🙂

  14. What a lovely day to have lunch with great friends and blogging buddies. It’s too bad you had some issues Charlie. I’ve been locked out of the house a few times so we changed the back door lock to one of those key pad locks and it’s been GREAT! Never to be locked out again!
    Something unusual is happening with your photos on my iPhone, none of them are showing right side up, all if them are sideways (top is on the right).

    • Hi Eva, I don’t know why this is happening but it seems to be an issue with i-pads and i-phones only. When I upload sideways images to wordpress, they all come up as having uploaded as an ‘error’ but then if I go into ‘media’ I can find them and then turn them around but then on FB, i-pads and i-phones, they show up sideways. It’s very annoying and I don’t know how to fix it.

    • What a good idea to have a key pad locking system. We have them at work but never considered them for domestic use. This could be the answer for your kids Charlie.

  15. That is too funny – Archie has a secret way into the house. I’m just amazed he shared it with you! LOL. Your kids always make me smile Charlie. Glad you had a great, albeit short, lunch with friends. The view is incredible!

  16. Looks like fun!

  17. Sorry it was a rough start to what turned out to be a lovely day, but of course, of course, the story of the break in made me laugh. Sometimes it is best not to know what our kids get up to, but then, in a situation like this, how great to know! I wish I had access to fellow bloggers–I am just going to have to get some of you to visit San Miguel!

  18. What a lovely lunch after the trauma of climbing through horrible little dirty spaces.
    Have a beautiful week ahead.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  19. Oh Charlie, the image of you crawling through tiny spaces to get in to your own house makes me giggle! Always an adventure. The luncheon sounds lovely. And what a beautiful setting.

  20. How great to get together with a group of bloggers. I bet the time just flew by. GG

  21. We used to have a spare key hanging on the collar of our German Shepherd, everyone who came to the front fence could see it, but we figured no one would ever be brave enough to risk trying to take it 🙂 I’m glad you still made your lunch date, but what a shame it was cut short- next time meet up after school drop off so you lots of time for fun and food xox

  22. It’s such fun to catch up with friends, especially ones that you haven’t seen in a long time. Had to laugh when I saw the photo of the girls and Seana had her camera in her hand … a blogger and her camera are not to be parted!

  23. G’day Charlie! Why is it that we get locked out of the house at the most inconvenient times!
    Looks like you day was rescued and you got to meet new friends too! Glad everyone enjoyed and look forward to one day also meeting you!
    Cheers! Joanne

  24. I wish you had some photos of the break in mission! What a lovely spot!

  25. Hello Charlie, you’ve made the pool and lunch look lovely!! Glad that you got there in the end and that we had our time together, always too much to chatter about. I am keeping that lovely chocolate away from the ravenous hordes of children here in this house. Hope you had a good trip away, look forward to reading about that.

  26. How fun! I still have not met any blogging Buddies in Hong Kong but hoping that one day that changes. Well maybe there are loads of foodies that blog in HK but are written only in Chinese. Take care, BAM

  27. This sounds like such a lovely gathering. And just look at that green grass.

  28. I’m glad you didn’t have to break anything, including yourself, to get into your house! What a lovely looking area Seana lives in and such a fun thing to do…have a bloggers lunch. Happy you could make it, albeit a bit late. 🙂

  29. When you forget to eat the chocolate, you know the company and conversation was stellar indeed!

  30. It took an adventure to get there, but it sounds like it was worthwhile! Thank goodness for Archie’s creative ways of entering your house so you could arrive at all 😉

  31. It never fails, Charlie, at least around here, if I’ve something to attend, gremlins will hide my keys, lock the garage doors, or do whatever is needed to delay my arrival. Beyond that, I think it great that you meet regularly with your blogging friends. It’s nice dealing with the people and not just their words.

  32. My husband is the ultimate “key loser” and we have had more than a few “breaking in” incidents through the years. I don’t think we’d be capable of doing all that pretzel-bending today, but it could happen we would need to! It sounds to me that you had a wonderful meeting with your friends. I’m a little envious-but only in the nicest of ways. LOL!

  33. Sounds like a fun lunch! And not that you’d lack for conversation, but I’m sure your locking yourself out got a minute or two of attention! I hate it when i do that. Worse, there’s really no easy way into my house (everything is always locked up), so it’s the locksmith when that happens.

  34. It sounds like a great catching up with your blogging friends! I know that that is fun! I have done it before too! 🙂

  35. Even with the frustration of being locked out of the house, it still sounds like a fun day with the girls and as always – lots of good food!

  36. LOL! At least you know now and you can burglar-proof your home (as well as making it “child” proof too :D).

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