Camping Provisions and No-bake Hedgehog Slice

Arabella has survived her first three exams and is now halfway through the HSC.  She doesn’t have another exam for five more days.  To celebrate, this afternoon we went shoe shopping.  We didn’t buy anything but ended up having pedicures in readiness for an event we have coming up this Sunday.  It was a great way to relax after what has been a stressful week.

No-bake Hedgehog Slice

We arrived home and Archie was in in full flight organising his Mumford and Sons weekend.  ‘We’re getting the car packed now, mum, because we’re heading off to the Sydney concert in a few minutes and then we’ll be home late, sleep for a few hours and then we’re leaving before six tomorrow.’

‘But it’s only a three hour drive to Dungog and the concert’s not until tomorrow night.  Why, after a late night, do you have to leave so early’.

‘Mum, it’s first in best dressed for the camp sites.  We want a really good camp site so we have to leave before six.  Have you seen the camp chairs?’

‘No; look in the shed’.

‘And mum, after tonight’s concert, the boys are all going to come back here and stay the night because it’s just easier if we don’t have to waste time picking everyone up in the morning and this place is the most central so is that okay?’

‘Oh, sure.  Not a problem’.  But I was groaning on the inside.

‘We don’t need any food because we’ll get that at tonight’s concert but just a bed would be good’.

‘Okay, that’s fine.’

‘But mum, do you have any food now?’

‘No, there’s nothing.’

‘Is there anything in the pantry I can take camping?’

Not just good for campers

But there was nothing.  And I didn’t want him going away with nothing.  This morning I saw on Kari’s blog a recipe she created that is similar to Hedgehog Slice and it reminded me of how long it’s been since I’ve made this quick and easy no-bake slice.  Tomorrow it’s heading to Dungog for a weekend of camping with a bunch of enthusiastic Mumford and Sons fans.

Quick and easy to make

No-Bake Hedgehog Slice

Makes:  16

Degree of Difficulty:  2/5

Cost:  Not a lot but this depends on the quality of chocolate used.

  • 250g plain biscuits, broken into small pieces (I used Arnott’s Scotch Finger Biscuits)
  • ½ cup desiccated coconut
  • ½ cup caster sugar
  • ½ cup chopped pecan nuts (I used walnuts)
  • ¼ cup cocoa powder
  • 100g dark chocolate, chopped
  • 100g butter
  • 1 tablespoon golden syrup
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten

Chocolate topping

  • 200g dark chocolate, chopped
  • 50g unsalted butter, chopped

Lightly grease a 20 x 20cm slice pan.

Line base and two sides with baking paper, extending paper 2cm above pan edge.

In a large bowl, combine biscuits, coconut, sugar, nuts and cocoa.  In a small saucepan, stir chocolate, butter and syrup together over low heat for 4-5 minutes until the mixture is melted and well combined.  Cool slightly.  Add egg.  Blend mixture into dry ingredients.  Press mixture firmly into prepared pan using a fork.  Chill for 30 minutes until firm.

Chocolate topping: melt chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water.  Spread over chilled slice. Chill for 45 minutes until set.  Using a hot knife, cut slab into squares.

Store chilled in an airtight container.


This slice has great crunch

This recipe has been adapted from the Women’s Day.

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  1. I don’t care if I haven’t had breakfast yet, those look so inviting!

  2. oh my these look fantastic! i LOVE chocolate biscuitty slices .. can’t wait to try these myself!!

  3. sounds yummy!!!

  4. While I’m sure the biccies are delicious, what impressed me was the perfection and symmetry of the bars you’ve cut. 🙂

  5. Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella says:

    They look fabulous! The downside is that I’m totally craving them now 😛

  6. Minnesota Prairie Roots says:

    The bars (that’s what we call them in Minnesota) look decadent. Hope you saved some for yourself.

  7. should be sooooo delicioussssss 🙂 Thank you, love, nia

  8. I have no idea how you keep up with all the comings and goings in your house. Instead of a diary you probably use a whiteboard. 🙂 Love the chocolate biscuitty bars. (yeah, the American in me says bars not slice)

  9. Aha yes! This is more my style. No icky squidgy fruits, just chocolate and biscuits and nuts and deliciousness. Good luck to Archie!

  10. I hope he gave you a big thank you for whipping up such a delicious camping treat!

  11. You are a damn good Mom! What a wonderful take-away for camping particularly after a long night of working and possibly drinking! At first I thought the inclusions were marshmallows (now that’s an interesting idea). Do you think the mix would hold together without the egg? I am a little squeamish to use raw egg in an unbaked square because I just don’t trust the grocery stores (we don’t have farm fresh eggs very close by)

  12. Sweet Posy Dreams says:

    What a yummy looking treat. I love anything chocolate!

  13. SandraSECooking says:

    Those looks sooo good! I Love your recipe and enjoyed your post!

  14. You’re a good mom Charlie! I’ve not heard of these but love the idea of no bake…not to mention they look so tempting! Like you, I like to have a emergency list of ideas for these times when something needs to be made quickly!

  15. No bakes always score with me. And you weave beautiful stories. I love your kids, lol!

  16. yummychunklet says:

    Never heard of these hedgehog bars, but they sound delicious!

  17. gardencorrespondent says:

    These look amazing, and I’m betting they will be very welcome among the hungry campers!

  18. would love to have these for camping provisions. i bet they are gone before nigh falls 🙂 mom’s are the best, they come up with something even when the pantry spells nothing (esp to our kids and hubs). great job charlie!

  19. I can’t believe Arabella is almost done it is so exciting 😀
    And wow much I love this slice so much, it is an Achilees heel 🙂

    Choc Chip Uru

  20. thelifeofclare says:

    I love hedgehog slice! I know exactly how he feels about the camping/concert situation! I go to lots of music festivals and always have a queue to get a good camp. I hope they have fun!

  21. GourmetGetaway says:

    I love hedgehog slice too!! I have a similiar emergency slice that I use whenever I need something in a hurry! I am so pleased that Arabella is getting though her exams 🙂

  22. Victoria at Flavors of the Sun says:

    I love the look of this easy, no-bake slice. How nice that Arabella is almost finished as well.

  23. This definitely reminds me of a slice from my childhood. I’m sure Archie will have a whale of a time.

  24. Never heard of a Hedgehog slice, but I sure want to try one after seeing yours. You’re such a great mom, Charlie! So patient and always there for your kids. I can’t seem to get your posts to show up in my reader, so I’m behind again…arrrrgh!

  25. InTolerant Chef says:

    Lucky boys, but I sure hope you made a LOT!
    I’m glad too hear Arabella is getting some down time, has she moved back in yet r is she staying away for the duration of the exams? Xox

  26. Jennifer Cullen says:

    These look yummy. By the way, I think you should win Mother of the Year. You have the patience of a saint!!

  27. Claire @ Claire K Creations says:

    Charlie we’re posting such similar recipes today! Glad the HSC is going ok. I must admit I was worrying when you hadn’t posted for a couple of days!

  28. You are the best mother ever 🙂 And how I laughed at making hedgehog slice for camping, after my thoughts about tiffin slice being suited to walking in cold weather! You picked a perfect snack for them, and the slices look lovely xo

    • I realised half way through the day that I never wrote ‘thank you’ for linking over to me – and then felt awful! Here is my belated thank you – much appreciated Charlie

  29. The Squishy Monster says:

    You guys have the best times!! What a great relationship and then, chocolate got involved? I love it!

  30. Rachel - Executive Beader says:

    I love that he said he needed nothing and then immediately asked what you had:) Such a boy. I could eat that picture it looks so good!

  31. cityhippyfarmgirl says:

    You know this slice would get as far as the car trip and no further right? 😉

  32. WOO HOO 🙂 Archie’s all pumped and getting ready for another wedding hehe ! but wow he’s always on the go and never stops! Teenagers nowadays 😛

    You’re the best Charlie always making sure the kiddies are fed and I wold LOVE to have taken these hedgehog slices to my camps:) xox

  33. Cass @foodmyfriend says:

    I adore hedgehog slice! Mum used to make it for us. I havent had it in years but it is such an Aussie classic 🙂

  34. I bet these don’t last long!

  35. Mandy - The Complete Cook Book says:

    What lovely road trip treats Charlie, you are such an awesome mom.
    Have a fabulous weekend.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  36. Boys and their appetites. They never want food and yet they always want food. it’s a strange thing. I’d love a batch of these in my belly!

  37. This is the kind of car treat that would have been devoured within 10 miles of our starting point. And if my car mates were lucky, I might have let them share one or two. 🙂

  38. JasmyneTea says:

    I do love Mumford and Sons… and hedgehog slice! Looks great 🙂

  39. says:

    Simple and delicious and totally devourable. I would have downed these in a minute! These provisions look heavenly. Thank you for sharing. What a delicious end to my week! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  40. Those look delicious! Lucky Archie. I hope his camping trip is going well. Have a great weekend xx

  41. Green Dragonette says:

    I think I could ‘almost’ cope with a night in a tent if I had those to keep me going!!

  42. Saffronandhoney says:

    Oh lovely. Those will be a perfect late night sweet :). Hopefully not too messy for them too haha.

  43. Hedgehog slice! Much better name than chocolate fridge cake. Spookily my Dad rang me this evening to inform me that he had been on an archeaological dig in his freezer and was merrily eating a version of this that I left there about four months ago. He said I needed to make him some more. And B whined that there was none here, I am not going to let him look at the pictures xx

  44. Hedgehog slice, haha, what a cool name 😀 – Reminds me of a more “exotic” version of tiffin. I’d worry about it all melting though en-route to the camp-site so I’d be “forced” to eat it all before I arrived – what a shame 😀

  45. For a moment I thought it was white nougat inside the chocolates and it reminded me of some traditional Greek nougat chocolates.
    anyway, I love this recipe, I will try them Charlie. Have a wonderful and relaxed weekend my friend.

  46. For some reason & even though I have 3 kids, I’ve never made Hedgehog slice. However, I have weetbix slice recipe that is a very longstanding favourite. Good luck this weekend!

  47. Good luck Arabella

  48. Jed Gray (sportsglutton) says:

    Concert, camping and a tasty sweet treat. Sounds good to me. 😉

  49. Barb Bamber says:

    These little hedgehogs are so cute, I love the name! I think Mumford and Sons and hedgehogs sounds like the perfect weekend!

  50. These look good!!

  51. What a fun time! Special concert and treats! I have a question for you, Charlie! Recent posts of you in stunning party dresses…how do you NOT eat all the delicious goodies you bake! 🙂 I’m gaining weight just looking at the recipes!

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