The Piano Room

Last night Archie had a gig at The Piano Room in Kings Cross.

Archie performing at The Piano Room Kings Cross

The preparation for the 30-minute set had been going on for a week with Archie attending uni by day and not coming home at night.  ‘I’m rehearsing mum.  And it could get pretty late so I might stay the night here or I could go to Webb’s’.

‘What are you doing for food, Archie?’

‘Well I’ve got a bit of cash’.

‘But won’t you need that to buy your lunch tomorrow?’

‘Oh yeah.  Yeah that’s a point.  Well it’s okay because I’ve got a mate working in a bar and he can get me free drinks’.

‘But that’s not food, Archie’.

‘Don’t worry, mum.  I’ll be fine, honestly’.

‘But why do you need to rehearse so much when you already know your set-list?’

‘Mum, my double-bass player is overseas so she won’t be there so I’ve got this mate and he’s got a mate who plays the mandolin.  Isn’t that cool?  Don’t you just love the sound of a mandolin.  It’s so awesome.  So he’s said he’ll support me on Saturday night so I’ve got to rehearse with him.  It’ll be great mum, it’s a great sound’.

Singing away

So with very little cash but a lot of free drinks and a mate’s mate with a mandolin, Archie spent the week not coming home.

But he did come home Friday night.

Walked in on my dinner party.

With two other mates.

And they were hungry.

And they ate all the macaroni and cheese I’d made for Alfie.  And they ate the chips.  And the caramel fudge and the strawberries and the chocolate, almond and date torte I’d made for my guests.  ‘Best dessert ever, mum’.  And everything was all the better for having been swallowed down with the red wine I’d foolishly left in the kitchen and then they went to the beach to watch the moon and the stars and be poetic.

Archie and the mandolin player

But they came back.  And they stayed the night.  And there was a body on the couch in the lounge and another one was on a fold-out mattress.  They slept until noon, ran through the set-list then asked for a lift to the station.  ‘We’ve got so much to carry, mum’.

So I took them to the station then organised to get myself to the gig.

I asked Carl to bring our pocket camera that is small but takes great photos, especially with low-light.  After a futile search and a lot of yelling out of, ‘Who’s seen the camera?’ we left without it.  We arrived early and the venue is so dark you need a guide dog.  Archie introduced us to some blacked out figures who were the mandolin player and the guy doing backing vocals.

As soon as Archie began his set the room was suddenly filled with 13 heavily armed policemen and sniffer dogs honing in on people’s bags.  I believe that after last week’s murder the police are letting the public know they are out in force.  I had expected them to be out on the streets but didn’t think they would wander up to a venue on the first floor to interrupt a performance complete with their dogs.  But Archie sang on regardless.

At that moment I asked Carl to take some photos so with my i-phone that is pathetic in low-light he moved to the front of the stage and held the camera up to Archie to take a few shots.  That was when Archie leaned into the microphone (with a row of armed policemen standing behind him) and said, ‘Don’t worry, that’s not a paedophile, that’s just my dad’.

Isn’t that good to know!

I’m really sorry we missed a shot of the sniffer dogs but here’s another of Archie!

So the gig went well and Archie was very pleased and then Carl and I left the Cross because the statistics are that only 4% of people visiting the Cross are over 40.  We four-per-centers needed to head back to our own part of town.

Next Saturday night we’ll be watching Archie perform at The Roxbury Hotel in Glebe.  A venue where we might see some people our own age.

Want to keep in touch?  Join the fun on the Hotly Spiced Facebook page! 


  1. J Cosmo Newbery says:

    Nice! Congratulations to Archie.

  2. Henrietta Tilelli says:

    Talk about a walk on the wild side ! Glebe next Friday hey ?? Well done Archie and Congrats to Mum and Dad. x

  3. Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella says:

    Well done Archie! I bet you’re so proud of him! And good to know that the police are out in force but really that does sound like they’re really wanting their presence known that way!

  4. Bravo Archie for carrying on in the face of such distraction! And bravo mum and dad for braving the Cross and all of those young people!

  5. Norma Chang says:

    Your kids sure keep you busy and entertained. Where do you get all that energy and stamina to keep up with all 3?
    Agree with Amanda, bravo to Archie for carrying on after the recent happening.

  6. Wow, that’s some evening, again. There’s always something going on in your house. Glad the police finally upped the ante, too bad it took the life of that poor young man to do it.
    Does Archie have a you tube that we can watch? How cool that your son is so talented to be in a band.

  7. Victoria at Flavors of the Sun says:

    I can certainly relate to the bodies on the couch and an empty fridge–our house was always the place for our son’s friends to crash and eat. Love Archie’s pedophile comment–he seems to have a really cute sense of humor. I’m sure you are proud of him for myriad reasons.

  8. A_Boleyn says:

    Congratulations on the ‘gig’ Archie.

    Sounds like your dinner party guests might have lost out on their dessert but it was for a good cause … 3 hungry musicians. 🙂

  9. kitchenriffs says:

    Nice post. And nice blog – I found you through your interview with Maureen. I’ll definitely be back.

  10. I just read your lovely interview, too! And now (darn it) I have to start at your first post and read them all 🙂 So much good food and humor that I’ve missed!!!

  11. You have such a beautiful and talented family, Charlie Louie!

  12. OMG ok I laughed. again. he’s not a paedophile?? How encouraging, Charlie! I’ve been to the Cross. I went on my first visit to Australia. Who knew the red light district was a tourist destination? It was the first time I’d ever set foot in a sex shop. I laughed so hard at the things in there that John pulled me out, saying over his shoulder to the shopkeeper, “Americans!” (seriously who needs a lipstick in the shape of, well, you know.)

    • hotlyspiced says:

      That’s very brave of you to actually enter the shops. I haven’t done that as yet. I’ve been so some restaurants and some bars but not the strip-clubs or sex-shops. Your husband is hilarious. How many of those lipsticks did you buy??? xx

  13. Tina @ bitemeshowme says:

    HAHAHAHAHA! I’m sorry but that line “Don’t worry, that’s not a paedophile, that’s just my dad” is just gold! Archie really is hilarious. Good on him for getting gigs! Superstar in the making? 😛

  14. Hahhaha Archie is still the funniest teenager LOL what did you end up feeding your guests if they ate all the food? Poor you lol to have to fed Archie and his guests ~

    So sweet that you and Carl go support Archie gigs ~ Would you be able to share a video of Archie playing with us ? xox

  15. Minnesota Prairie Roots says:

    Probably best you didn’t carry a camera in there. The ones Carl shot have an artsy edge and I like that. Amazing that Archie could carry on with police and dogs.

  16. Haha Archie seems like the funniest guy alive 😀
    Good on him for getting the gig I can see him being a star no doubt!
    I love your style of writing, always brightens up my day 🙂

    Choc Chip Uru

  17. Haha I love the commentary! That’s fantastic that he had a gig in King’s Cross. Well done Archie!

  18. LOL!! Too hysterically funny! We old people shouldn’t visit the Cross, Charlie.. 🙂

  19. ChgoJohn says:

    Break a leg, Archie! Sounds like things went very well. Glad to see the police making such a firm statement. I hope it’s not only effective but that they find whoever was responsible for the tragedy.

    • hotlyspiced says:

      Thanks John. He did do a good job and he was pleased to have us there supporting him which was surprising because I thought we were an embarrassment. I’m hoping also that they quickly find the murderer xx

  20. Juliet Batten says:

    I can hear a proud mum talking, despite all the upheavals and the impossible ways of the young.

  21. Mandy - The Complete Cook Book says:

    How fantastic to watch your son perform!
    🙂 Mandy

    • hotlyspiced says:

      Yes it was great and the interesting thing is, he doesn’t seem to mind us being there. We’re not the terrible embarrassment I thought we were! xx

  22. says:

    How fantastic, Archies gig looks amazing. My son ( drummer ) would love to do that i’m sure. ( not so sure the venue would be ready though). They keep you on your well manicured toes those kids do.

  23. How cool is Archie! You sure breed some talent there lovely. I would feel so out of place in a pub, id like to think I was cool and hip even, but more likely I would just look out of place lol x

  24. Bam's Kitchen says:

    Glad to hear your boy was able to perform. Proud mama needs to make some yummy treats for the band.

  25. hahahha Archie is really funny!!!! And you’re really good parents too going to see him perform and all!!!

  26. Hahaha, I love this! And I must admit I resonate a lot with your son! Music is the most important thing for me (however I’d always care for good eating, but only because I feel so terrible if I don’t). I wished I could have heard Archie live!!!

  27. Hi, Charlie! I’m here on Maureen’s recommendation (The Orgasmic Chef) and I can see why she enjoys you so much. I honed in on The Piano Room post (mainly because I’m a pianist / slash / blogger, ha!) and enjoyed your tale of life with a musician in the house (and a hungry one, at that.) Ah yes, those were the days… 🙂 Great post and great blog!

  28. Awww… I loved seeing him play!! I loved the photos.. even though they are phone quality, they do give a feel of the evening’s performance! I love that they crashed your party too! Hilarious.. whatever did you feed your guests?? I honestly wish my son did this more often, he tends to crash elsewhere.. and it would be fun if it was here! xoxo

    • hotlyspiced says:

      Hi Barb, I fed the guests pork belly but made the macaroni for Alfie. I made a large macaroni so there would be plenty leftover to snack on the next day but alas, the teenagers descended. Fortunately my dinner party guests were able to sample the desert before Archie and his mates polished it off! It sounds like our boys are quite similar! xx

  29. Hurrah! Well done Archie!! And we should all be so lucky as to be in the 4% of anything 😀

  30. yummychunklet says:

    Congrats to Archie!

  31. Jennifer Cullen says:

    So where’s the video!! Sounds like a great night and a proud parental moment.

  32. You must be so proud, Charlie! How wonderful! I loved the photos, and dark quality just adds to the atmosphere of the club–like I was really there! I’m sorry for the need for the heavy police presence, but of course it is important right now. Take more photos at the Roxbury! You have a talented son! 🙂

  33. InTolerantChef says:

    My Pop used to play the mandolin and it really does sound lovely. I’m glad Archie is doing well with his gigging- despite the police presence. Maybe one day they will be necessary to hold back the screaming legions of fans that line up to see his gigs?

  34. fantastic. You must have felt very proud watching your boy perform. And I bet the mandolin was fab too.

  35. How exciting, you guys must be so proud 🙂

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