Winning isn’t Everything…But then again!

Today was Alfie’s Athletics Carnival.  Being grouped in the Kindy to Year 2 event the day was more about participation than competition.  For me I had to make sure Alfie was dressed in his house colours (that would be the blue house), pack him a lunch box, a water bottle, douse him in sunscreen, throw a hat on his head and he was ready to compete.  Except that he insisted we buy blue hairspray on the way to school so he could turn his hair and just about every other part of him, blue.

Alfie had asked me to be there to watch him and so because I knew I would be criss-crossing all over the oval, I sensibly decided to wear my workout gear (that is never used for workouts) and my joggers (that are never used for jogging).

The first event of the day was the ‘chuck the chicken’ event.  Not too sure what the educational or athletic benefits are for this but here’s Alfie in action and clearly, taking it very seriously.

Chuck-a-Chicken event

Next was the ‘watch the ball’ contest.

Watch the ball or be winded with it

Then it was the seriousness of the sack race.

Mid-Air in the sack race

All athletes need a break so then it was morning tea.

The orthodontist is rubbing his hands

Then Alfie’s teacher gave him the big half-time pep talk.

Alfie’s happy and smiling teacher

Break over, the competition reached fever-pitch with the ‘running-with-a-chicken-between-your-legs’ race.

Jump Alfie jump

Then the events went up a notch with the highly competitive 100mtr sprint.

Winning isn’t everything!

The exertion of it all

Doing the ‘Usain Bolt’

Looking more and more like an avatar, Alfie has an ‘I’m a Good Sport’ ribbon pinned to his T-shirt because unlike my day, ribbons aren’t given to the first three place-getters, these days everyone is given a ribbon.

No laughing – that’s the hurdles!

And just when we thought the day was over, they called for the ‘Mother’s Race’.  Who knew!  So Alfie ran over and grabbed me and begged and pleaded that I participate in this 100mtr dash for glory.  I do like a bit of competition so I lined myself up with the other mothers and there were so many of us they decided to divide us into groups – age groups.  I believe that was cruel and uncalled for especially for those who found themselves in the oldest age group and I’m not going to say whether or not I was in that bracket, I’m just going to say that I do believe, being put in the ‘old’ category would certainly draw out your competitive spirit and give you an edge over the competition.

That could be how I leapt out of starting blocks like the best of the Olympians and hurtled down the track causing every spectator to stop and gasp.  Yes, I won!  I won the Mother’s Race.  And not by a a few metres but somehow by about 30 metres.  And the only cameraman I had on hand to capture my moment of glory was Alfie.  This is the best of the shots he captured.

Leaping across the finish line

And that was, a beautiful winter’s day in Sydney.

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  1. Those pictures look like lots of fun was had by all. Congratulations on your win and you were a very attractive contestant in your pristine workout outfit and jogging shoes. 🙂

  2. Amy @ Elephant Eats says:

    aw, looks like Alfie had a blast. And way to go on the win, mama! 😉

  3. The Squishy Monster says:

    Alfie is tooooo handsome! =D

  4. What a fun day! I’d be proud of winning, too! Old, indeed! Ha! I’m sure that Alfie thought this was just the best to have you there cheering him on and then to participate and win! I love that little boy smile with the missing teeth! He’s just adorable…I’m sure he’d prefer another adjective, but he IS! 🙂

  5. Choc Chip Uru says:

    I see a sporting star in the future my friend 😀
    I used to love sports athletic carnival days too fun!
    Congrats on the winning – not everything but great feeling 🙂

    Choc Chip Uru

  6. Ooh, I love the excitement in the crowd as you crossed the finish line, Charlie! 🙂 Sounds like a fun day, good on Alfie for being such a good sport! I don’t remember rubber chickens being quite such a prominent fixture at our athletics carnivals, but then again, I went to a girls’ school.. 😉

  7. Sweet Posy Dreams says:

    Looks like a fun day. Congrats to you for winning and being a good sport, too. I am especially taken with the chuck the chicken event. That looks like something I might be good at.

  8. Victoria at Flavors of the Sun says:

    What a fun day for both of you! And that close-up of Alfie is just too cute. What an adorable child in every way.

  9. Glamorous Glutton says:

    Well done Charlie. I know the taking part is important but winning feels gooood! Love the chicken chucking, might make that a party event. Alfie looks like he had a great day. GG

  10. I love all those action shots – they captured the day so well. Some of those activities were definitely educational, especially the chicken ones. I can’t explain why, I just felt they were.
    Love the hurdles and the victorious mama.

  11. What a great post, Charlie! The kids’ contests, from chuck the chicken, to the hurdles, must have been excitement-filled events. Who needs the Olympics when there’s Alfie’s Athletics Carnival? And not to be outdone, you win your race. It looks like a lot of fun and I’m sure you enjoyed yourselves 🙂

  12. Tina @ bitemeshowme says:

    Alfie really took on the team spirit and went all out with blue! Haha he is adorable. I really miss the school athletics carnival days. It really was a great opportunity for everyone to participate (or stand back and watch) and have a smile/laugh or two. That Usain Bolt pose is gold!

  13. Aww, I hate it when people spoil the fun and get competitive. I’m sure that’s what those age bracket business was about. My siste broke her collarbone during her field day!

  14. Claire @ Claire K Creations says:

    Well don’t Charlie! Good thing you were dressed in your workout gear (did you secretly know about the race?).

    There was only a ribbon for 1st 2nd and 3rd when I was at school too. I’m not sure if I like the everyone gets a prize theory or not.

    Love the blue paint… I was in the blue house in primary school too.

  15. InTolerant Chef says:

    Yay for you Charlie! I hope you recieved a ribbon as well, I’m sure you deserved it 🙂 I bet Alfie was exhausted after all that chicken-wrangling too 🙂

  16. yummychunklet says:

    Well, field days are always fun. Yay!

  17. Yay! How proud Alfie must be to have a fit mom! And he looked adorable with that blue. Especially his very blue ear poking out from under his hat. Looks like it was a fun day for both of you. 🙂

  18. chocolatesuze says:

    heh go you good thing!

  19. Juliet Batten says:

    Who needs the Olympics with a day like that to enjoy! Congratulations on your gold medal. Archie must have been as proud as punch, and have felt well supported.

  20. Hilarious!

  21. OrgasmicChef says:

    So much to talk about! Firstly, I can’t wait to get blue spray and cover myself with it. Maybe if we finally meet I’ll try that.

    I love the smile on Alfie’s teacher!

    The sack race photo is magic!

    finally.. you winner you…

    may I please have your autograph ?

  22. Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella says:

    Lol your little Husain Bolt is very cute! And I’m glad that I’m not the only one that doesn’t use workout gear for working out and joggers for jogging 😛

  23. Oh how fun – what a brilliant day! I love your glory finish and Alfie looks like he participated with great enthusiasm and skill, irrespective of the event (and chickens!).

  24. my workout gear (that is never used for workouts) and my joggers (that are never used for jogging) – I so know what you’re writing about, hahaha. And congratulations on your winning!!!

    • hotlyspiced says:

      Thanks Marta. Are you a blogger? Your URL hasn’t come up so I don’t know how to find you. Would you mind leaving your URL next time you comment? Many thanks

  25. “Watch the ball”…LOL.Very cute!

  26. Minnesota Prairie Roots says:

    Congratulations, school Olympian! Glad to see the kids playing old-fashioned games like the sack race. And that chicken toss, hmmmmm, I will need to tuck that idea into my brain for the family reunion.

  27. You certainly managed to capture the magic of the day, Charlie!! Another excellent post in my humble opinion…

  28. What a great day that was, I am so glad you won that race, Charlie! How wonderful. Triumph for us in that cruel and uncalled for group!

  29. Mandy - The Complete Cook Book says:

    What a fun day at school and well done on winning – not sure I would be up to doing that! Alfie is such a character – lovely to see him in action.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  30. gardencorrespondent says:

    There was never an event as cool as chuck the chicken when we had sports day. Lucky Alfie, and congratulations to you!

  31. Well done Charlie!! Even though winning isn’t the most important thing 🙂 but you won hehe that’s fantastic! Archie looks so blueeee hahaha so cute ~ Glad you guys had a fun day!

  32. Ahahaha, that’s so cool – “chuck a chicken”. Looks like a great load of fun. Do they still have egg and spoon races at school, or is that just a Brit thing?

  33. Barb Bamber says:

    What an awesome mom.. these are the memories our kids cherish:)


  1. […] was the day where I ran in my first running race since 1983 (apart from the Mother’s Race at Alfie’s Athletics Carnival a few years […]

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