Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all my readers.

Brilliant colour

Brilliant colour

After seeing in the New Year I’m moving a little more slowly today!

Let the party begin

Let the party begin

Do you remember when I told you about the barman, the actress and the prostitute?  Well that story started in a two-storey apartment in McMahons Point.  The owners are friends of ours and after 30 years, they have sold their beautiful home with its stunning and enviable location that’s right on the water’s edge overlooking the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House.

Anchored boats waiting for the show to begin and across the water is Luna Park.

Anchored boats waiting for the show to begin and across the water is Luna Park.

This was to be their final New Years Eve in their home and so there was absolutely no way they weren’t going to celebrate.  But they didn’t want anything big.  So it was family-only plus me and Carl.  Blessed!  And they said we could bring our little guy because there’s no chance of finding a babysitter on NYE and he couldn’t stay home alone.  Exciting times for Alfie.

Waiting for the show to begin.  Some of the people in the crowd have been there all day, waiting.

Waiting for the show to begin. Some of the people in the crowd have been there all day, waiting.

Getting to McMahons Point wasn’t easy.  On New Years Eve the streets closest to the harbour are all closed to traffic and there are clear-ways everywhere so you can forget about taking your car.  We went by bus with Alfie whistling all the way because he was in overload.  The bus dropped us at North Sydney and then, with hoards of others, we began walking down to the water.

Boats aren't allowed to be on the water near the bridge

Boats aren’t allowed to be on the water near the bridge

We had to pass through bag-checking stations to make sure we didn’t have any alcohol on us.  I breezed through without anyone gazing into my bag but Carl must attract suspicion because he was pulled aside for a thorough examination.  Then we continued on our way only to find the street was fenced off and they weren’t allowing any more people into that area.  Once I’d convinced the security guard that we weren’t planning on taking up space in a public area but instead had been invited into someone’s home, we were allowed through the gates.  What an ordeal!

So pretty

So pretty

We arrived at the apartment empty-handed as you’re not allowed to carry alcohol so I did feel a bit rude.  However, our friends have been through this for many years and are used to guests arriving with nothing to drink.

A great celebration

A great celebration

Our friends are very generous so we didn’t leave hungry.  We started the night with a pre-dinner drink with a selection of pates and dips and olives with champagne.  Then garlic prawns were put onto the bar-be-cue followed by little sausages.  This kept us going until the 9pm fireworks where I had to cuddle their little dog, Molly, who was howling with fear from all the bang, bang, bang of the fireworks.

Anyone for a prawn?

Anyone for a prawn?

Splashes of colour

Splashes of colour

After the first round of fireworks we sat down to a buffet dinner with a smoked trout, thinly sliced and very rare wagyu beef, hot glazed ham with ‘ham jam’, potato salad, rocket salad, tomato and basil salad and warmed bread rolls with red wine.  There was enough food for about 50 people but there were only about 20 of us at the party.  I ate to the point I couldn’t move.  The season of feasting seems to be going from strength to strength.

Good guests help out in the kitchen

Good guests help out in the kitchen

The generous buffet

The generous buffet


Tomato, basil and buffalo mozzarella salad

Tomato, basil and buffalo mozzarella salad


Wagyu beef

Wagyu beef

Just before the midnight fireworks, chocolate-dipped strawberries were served and I was able to contribute some honeycomb that Daisy gave me for Christmas.

Chocolate covered strawberries

Chocolate covered strawberries

The fireworks were amazing and, as it is reported in the media every year, ‘the best ever’.  From where I watched them they certainly were.  It was an incredible display filled with vibrant colour and enough bang, bang, bang to kick you into the new year.    Alfie said he could feel the noise going right through him.

Golden rain

Golden rain

We crawled into bed at 2.30am.  Alfie was first up the next morning – he’s inherited a bad gene where he can’t sleep in.  Like I said, I’m taking things slowly.  It’s past noon and I’m still in my pjs.  But I haven’t been too idle; we’re off to another function tonight and I’ve been whipping up a few things in the kitchen – the feasting and celebrating lives on.

No, not a bit tired

No, not a bit tired


All eyes on the show

All eyes on the show


And it was LOUD

And it was LOUD


Bright, bright, bright red sky

Bright, bright, bright red sky

I certainly had my best-ever New Year’s Eve and I hope yours was equally as wonderful.  May 2014 be your best year ever xx

And the new year begins

And the new year begins

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  1. G’day! The fireworks were AWESOME Charlie and would have been sensational to see them live, true!
    Happy New Year to you and your family! Let’s HOPE it is a good one for all too!
    Cheers! Joanne

  2. lucky duck what a great view of the fireworks! happy new year and here’s to a delicious 2014!

  3. What a lovely gathering even if you had to go through the no-alcohol checkpoint to get to it. And such delicious food. Fireworks are always exciting no matter how many you’ve seen, except if you’re a poor little dog. I’m glad someone snuggled Molly.

    Happy New Year Alfie, Charlie and Carl.

  4. I do remember that post.
    What a fabulous night! And such a spread of food. Those fireworks look spectacular. I could hear some outside but went to bed not long after midnight. I bet Alfie had fun. Happy New Year, Charlie!

  5. Happy new year Charlie!

  6. What an awesome way to see in 2014, think I need to fine me some new friends lol

  7. I think you had THE best spot for viewing the best NYE fireworks in the world! How wonderful to spend your evening with friends in such a magnificent location and what a fantastic start to the year….Happy New Year and all the best for 2014!

  8. Catherine says:

    Happy New Year to you to my friend! Your NYE looked fantastic being so close to all the firework action!

  9. It is always great watch the New Year celebrations in there, WOW! Happy New Year and
    my Best Wishes for you dear Charlie and for your family, Thank you, love, nia

  10. Waw, What a beautiful experince, dear Charlie! Yeahhh! A Happy 2014 to you, your lovely blog & your cool family too! 🙂 xxx Cheers!

    All of the presented food dishes rock! Yum Yum Yummm! 🙂

  11. Happy New Year to you and yours as well Charlie, you certainly celebrated in style (although i expect nothing less!). Heres to a fabulous 2014!! xx

  12. What a fabulous display and evening to be a part of…a grand view and looks like a grand time. Happy 2014 to you and your family!

  13. Happy 2014!

  14. Obviously you’re much further “into the new year” then we are…I’m still sitting in my pjs watching the Annual Tournament of Roses Parade, and we are about to have breakfast, January 1! But it’s exciting for me to know that you were front and center to that wonderful firework display. I watched it unfold on the television and thought of you as the new year rolled in your way, not knowing you were actually there to witness that wonderful event. It did look to be spectacular.

    Happiest of New Years to you and your fabulous family–even the extended members that don’t seem to organize very well according to your description. LOL! Each of them is memorable and special and I love hearing about them in your stories. I look forward to many, many more in a prosperous and happy 2014. oxo

  15. What a splendid evening. Those fireworks are unbelievable. Happy New Year to you and yours, Charlie!

  16. What a lovely evening. I would love to see the Sydney New Year’s fireworks show–always stunning on tv. Looks like a perfect gathering. Maybe Alfie and I are related–I obviously inherited the same gene. Best wishes to you and yours for 2014.

  17. Sounds like a wonderful time! Love the pictures – the fireworks must be amazing in person. Happy New Year!

  18. Everything looks so festive! Now I want prawns!!! Happy New Year, Charlie!!! Looking forward to more of your posts!

  19. great photos of the fireworks! happy new year charlie. looking forward to what hotly spiced has for us in 2014 x

  20. ““`Happy New Year!!!““`
    Fab Photos.
    Lovely Family.
    Fabulous looking food!
    The tomato, basil and buffalo mozzarella salad looks OH-SO-AMAZING.

    Xxx Love from MN. USA.

  21. What a wonderful party and it sounds like they saw off their house on NYE in style! 😀

  22. What a great way to welcome in the New Year with good friends and family and delicious foods.

  23. What a fantastic spot! Definitely a blessed way to spend an evening – and a lovely way to farewell the apartment. Happy new year to you and your family Charlie!

  24. Happy New Year Charlie! Looks like a wonderful night.
    I had a very sick husband so we had to stay home. I crashed my sister’s romantic dinner with her boyfriend and was in bed at 11!

  25. happy new year – looks like a spectacular view – the only time I have seen the melbourne city fireworks is when I was been to a show at the arts centre and watched from the balcony. Am glad you got to enjoy the view in style one more time. And the food sounds amazing too.

  26. This is what I call ushering in the New Year in style!! How festive!! Happy new Year Charlie!

  27. It looks like your New Years Eve was really great! Thanks for all of the lovely photos. Happy New Year! I wish you lots of success in 2014!!

  28. What great friends you have, Charlie! That last photo is pure magic and all that gorgeous food! Happy New Year, dear friend.

  29. Happy New Year Charlie. How lucky are you to have such a view!!. Thanks for your friendship and all of the comments. I look forward to lots more stories and laughs from you this year

  30. Holy moly, what a view! Pretty much this means you’re the queen of Sydney. x

  31. What an awesome way to kick off the new year Charlie! Food, friends, fun, fireworks and feasting- and here’s to many more! Xox

  32. HAPPY NEW YEAR Charlie!! What a fabulous spot you welcomed the new year in!! Very lucky indeed 🙂

  33. It all looked very festive and the food looks fantastic. Happy new year, Chalie xxx

  34. Charlie, this post was a party from start to finish! To me, it’s incredible to be able to “experience” Sydney’s famed fireworks with your descriptive play-by-play of the festivities and food — much more celebratory than 5 second clips on television I’ve seen in the past. You were there! What a fun way to ring in 2014. Great photo of you & “the boys,” too!

  35. Wow Charlie you seriously had the best view!!! It’s so close and you can see the fireworks so clearly so jealous 🙂 It’s a shame your friends have sold the house and are going to move away but at least you have these photos to remember this awesome New Years eve party hehe xx

  36. Wow, what a view – I don’t think I’d ever want to sell such a place… you could rent it out at least… or at least I would, and then I could still return to it between tenants!

    How lucky to have friends with such a place! Happy New Year to you too Charlie!

  37. Happy New Year to you!!!

  38. What a FANTASTIC way to celebrate the new year, Charlie! Most amazing view of the fireworks show! Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!

  39. Happy belated New Years, Charlie! It sounds like it was quite a hassle to get there, but was a truly wonderful time…what a view for the fireworks. I hope that your 2014 is amazing 🙂

  40. What a wonderful view from there. Happy New Year!

  41. Happy New Year to you as well and all readers

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