In My Kitchen, January 2014

You can all stop holding your breath because yes, it has arrived.  All good things come to those who wait and so here is my brand-spanking-new food processor.  Barely was it unwrapped on Christmas morning when it was placed on the bench, plugged in and run until the motor ran hot.  And it’s been in good use ever since.  The best thing about this one is that there are two bowl sizes and the small one has been great for making things like aioli and pesto.

Food processor with ugly kitchen in background

Food processor with ugly kitchen in background

In my kitchen is me wearing a new apron (but photographed on the verandah because the kitchen is UGLY).  My sister who lives in LA gave it to me for Christmas and it’s from Anthropology.  I do feel a bit like a Stepford wife while wearing it.

Move over, Nicole Kidman, I'm the new Stepford Wife.

Move over, Nicole Kidman, I’m the new Stepford Wife.

My sister also gave me this gorgeous stamp.  I can now stamp all my cookies with, ‘Made with Love’.  It also comes with a recipe for making Almond Layer Cookies.  Once I convert the measurements to metric and try to work out what a ‘stick’ of butter is, I’ll be making these – and stamping them.

A 'Made with Love' cookie stamp

A ‘Made with Love’ cookie stamp

In my kitchen is some snow from Rebecca.  This is the closest my part of the world will ever come to seeing snow.  This snow is coriander flavoured.  I’m looking forward to using this in my baking and decorating.



In my kitchen are two bottles of balsamic vinegar, but not just any old balsamic vinegar, this is very special balsamic from Tania who works at Lario International, a company that imports quality foods mostly from Italy.  Tania wrote a post mentioning different quality balsamics and in my comment I lamented how I only had the acidic supermarket cheap stuff in my pantry.  Tania organised for me to be able to buy a couple of bottles of the good stuff from Larios and she posted it to me and it arrived just before Christmas.  As you can see, one bottle is nearly half gone – we’ve been eating a lot of salads!

Balsamic vinegar

Balsamic vinegar

In my kitchen is my Christmas present from Archie.  There’s a fish slice, a pair of tongs that doesn’t pinch your fingers and a knife sharpening gadget.  Isn’t Archie thoughtful!  I’m not letting the fact that he cooks bacon and eggs for himself every morning and needs a fish slice and a pair of tongs that don’t pinch your fingers take anything away from this useful gift.  The knife sharpener is brilliant.  I will never have blunt knives again.

My Christmas present from Archie

My Christmas present from Archie

Everyone should have one of these in their kitchen.  If you’d like to get one, it’s called Edge Ware and here is a brief demo on how to use it…

In my kitchen are two gorgeous girls.  Ruby (the larger one) has just been groomed.  I had her fur clipped as it helps her with the heat.  I didn’t do the same to Rosie as she’s not as hairy and is a nervous wreck when dropped at the groomers.  I think the girls look quite youthful but the reality, is that at 12 and 13, they are in the winter of their lives.  Best not to think about it.

Two furry friends blending in with the lino

Two furry friends blending in with the lino

Who remembers this…

A gingerbread house

A gingerbread house

Well…what a difference post-Christmas makes.

Demolition in progress

Demolition in progress

And that’s what’s happening in my kitchen.  If you’d like to do an ‘In My Kitchen’ post, just link up with Celia at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial.

If you liked this post, you’re welcome to share it!


  1. Congratulations on your new processor!!! I felt the same way when I finally replaced mine last year. How do people live without one ;)?
    A stick of butter is 113g. Thought I’d help you out.
    Great post Charlie! Looking forward to great recipes now that you have your processor back. try not to blow up this one 😉

  2. The Balsamic Vinegar looks very more-ish. Might need to check the source. And I like the knife sharpener. Mine are always blunt.

  3. Gaaah! I remember the beautiful gingerbread house….ah well, it was always meant to be eaten. Your girls look gorgeous, it’s always lovely to see a photo of them. Speaking of photos, that’s a great one of you in your new ‘Stepford’ apron. I love Anthropologie, a few of the stores are now in the UK and I wished for that cookie stamp plus other Anthropologie gifts for Christmas, but alas…that’ll teach me just to wish! Some lovely pressies you received for Christmas.

  4. So many goodies, Charlie. I look forward to seeing your stamped cookies in future posts. As to Archie’s gift, you know what they say about gift horses. 🙂 The balsamic vinegar reminds me that I need to buy some and a new 10 kg bag of flour for my baking. Perhaps I can make myself get up early enough on Saturday to go to the Italian grocery store nearby before the hordes show up for their post New Year shopping.

    Your girls look lovely.

  5. Love the apron. Will be in the market for a processor myself very soon.

  6. The apron is gorgeous. My husband recently received two Molly Hatch drinking glasses from Anthropology during a family Christmas gift exchange. The are adorned with a tree and a bird and are incredibly cute.

    As for a stick of butter, that’s half a cup.

    It appears you got lots of useful kitchen gadgets. My one daughter gave me a new knife for slicing and dicing and I love it. Now if only I had an updated kitchen in which to use it. But, hey, at least I have a kitchen, right?

  7. I am loving that stamp and looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Oh and I believe Nic has a new husband now. He’s called ‘the railway man’. Wishing you the best for 2014. I look forward to more of your wonderful stories.

  8. Very envious of your new processor. Loving your presents from overseas, especially the pinnie and cookie press – looking forward to seeing some sensational cookies. Love your blog and looking forward to more this year.

  9. Hooray for new kitchen toys! I don’t think I could live without my food processor now! Those balsamic vinegars sound delicious, and yes, isn’t Archie thoughtful! 🙂 Love your new apron, and the stamp – looking forward to see what you make with it, as I’ve only ever had limited success with mine. Have a great 2014, dear friend! xx
    PS. A US stick of butter is 120g (but I just use 125g when I convert)

  10. Hi Charlie, I have a similar cookie press but mine says ‘home made’ such fun to use! A stick of butter is 113.5g (butter here is sold as 454g, which is likely 1 pound from the olden days) I always weigh my butter even for North American recipes! A lot of butter is sold in four “sticks” which also work out to half a cup each. I remember learning to measure butter using the displacement technique, weighing is do much easier and your not dirtying too many things!
    I love your apron, you look so cute! Your girls are lovely too! I received a new appliance too for Xmas and it’s such a joy to use. I know you’ll be creating many tasty treats for us.
    I have all my fingers and toes crossed that this is the year our paths will cross! XOXO

  11. gotta love new kitchen accessories 🙂 and that apro is so cute!

  12. Looking forward to seeing that stamp on many of your creations. I too love your apron and you do look really cute. My new toy for Christmas is an iPhone, my first smartphone, lots to learn.

  13. Great IMK post Charlie! You look very nice in your new apron! I have that stamp too-it’s very cute! 🙂

  14. Hoooray for the new food processor!! It seems hubby was reading your blog then?!! I do love your apron, its tres chic! xx Happy New Year Charlie!

  15. Hi there, love your apron! Very becoming. What brand is the food processor?

    • Hi Lizzy. It’s a Sunbeam. All the blades are kept in a draw at the bottom of the processor so it’s very neat and tidy. I went to a Sunbeam demonstration earlier in the year and I’ve had my eye on this one ever since.

  16. I cannot step into Anthropologie because I want the whole store. The whole store. I almost bought leggings with sparkling praying mantis insects on them, a $200 necklace, and a bed last time. AN ENTIRE BED.

  17. Your kitchen is full of fabulous new goodies! I have that same food processor and I love it. You’ll put it to great use. Hope your new year is off to an amazing start. xo

  18. Oh Charlie! So jealous about the food processor!! I’m getting too much practice on my knife skills! I’m ready for an upgrade! I used to convert lots of recipes in my house as many of my recipes are American. Instead we bought a digital scale that does both imperial and metric measurements and I keep a set of American cups and spoons. It has made my cooking life much easier and more enjoyable! In the US 4 sticks of butter makes 1 pound (approx 453 grams). It is standard so many recipes call for sticks rather than fractions of pounds or ounces.

    Anthro is so great! All of my favourite dresses come from there and their aprons are adorable.

    Love your posts! I always looking forward to reading them.

  19. Happy New Year, Charlie!

    And ooh, new toys! Really looking forward to seeing what you’ll dish up in the kitchen in 2014!

  20. G’day! Congrats on your new toys, Charlie!
    Love your photo and your four legged ones and LOVE gingerbread houses as they always make me smile too!
    Cheers! Joanne

  21. Hi Charlie, there is nothing worse than the wait for a new toy but it looks well worth the wait! Your new stamp is adorable, can’t wait to see the finished product. I’m very intrigued by the snowfall sweet or savoury?

  22. I’m very excited for you with your new food processor! Do you feel in love with it yet? I don’t think I can ever bring myself to live without one again. I also like the new cookie stamp and knife sharpener – we definitely need one of those!

  23. You DO rather look like a Stepford wife. Cute though. Congratulations on your new food processor. I feel like getting out the pots and spoons and making a big noise!

    Now, I must ask on behalf of all Americans who read your blog, who decided a spatula was called a fish slice? I went to Google and put in spatula and then I put in fish slice and wouldn’t you know it, some were the same in both. 🙂 I learn so much from you.

  24. Happy New Year Charlie 🙂 Hope you’ve enjoyed the first week of 2014 hehe OMG I got a new food processor for Xmas too hehe and believe it or not it’s actually my first one ever not sure how and why we survived without one! Can’t wait to see what goodies you make it with it!

    I love how everyone buys you food, cooking and baking presents 🙂 xx

  25. You certainly got lots of nice Kitchen gifts. I have seen cookies that have been stamped, they are so cute. I’ll have to look for a stamp like yours.

  26. I am going start doing in my kitchen….:D I LOVE these posts!!!

  27. What lovely goodies for Christmas! And by the way, I have the same apron!
    Have a wonderful New Year!

  28. Charlie, one ingredient I enjoy in your posts is your marvelous sense of humor. Stepford Wife? Still smiling over that one. Happy food processing!

  29. I love your “IMK” posts! That processor looks great. And I also have an apron from Anthropology that is very similar. I feel very 1950’s when I wear it. Happy New Year!

  30. I love to read the In My Kitchens that various bloggers share in. Always fascinating. I think people would probably cringe at all the skeletons and strange coconut masks in mine. I have to say, I like the pooches the best! But congrats on the new food processor!

  31. Yay! At last Charlie! A food processor just makes life easier, I use mine all the time and it saves a lot of work and mess 🙂 Your apron it’s very cute, and I’m so glad you liked the ‘snow’. I have a collection of those cookie stamps and used them every week on my cafe catering jobs, but never with anything as yummy sounding as those almond cookies- loom looking forward to seeing how you go with them xox

  32. There is indeed a lot happening in your kitchen, Charlie. Your older doggies do look cute & beautiful & Congrats with the new food processor. I also have a new one & am using it, like all the time. You received lovely Foodie gifts from your son & that knie shzrpener is a really good one, I have the same one.

  33. A stick of butter is 1/4 of a pound. 1/2 of a cup. Do either of those work for you? I love the apron and the stamp is lovely!! Hope I was able to help! 🙂 xo

  34. I see that Jo has told you about the stick of butter. I take it that you don’t refer to them as “sticks” and that came as a surprise. When you purchase butter is it packaged in four quarters (sticks)? I’m really curious. Well anyway, I love your new gifts. I love Anthropologie, and you look lovely in your new Stepford apron. 🙂 Your little girls are wonderful. May it be a very long winter!

  35. Your poor demolished gingerbread house 🙂 Lovely apron – not Stepford wifish at all. Cute dogs – mine stare up at me like that. Happy New Year.

  36. I love your apron. I have oodles of aprons, and they’re like my second wardrobe. The gingerbread house is a delight, too.

  37. Congrats on the new food processor! I don’t use ours all that much, but when you need it, you really need it. And I couldn’t live without my knife sharpener! Dull knives are an abomination! Fun post – thanks.

  38. I love everything in your kitchen, but especially those adorable girls.

  39. Oh, what fun you are going to have with your food processor! You look super cure in that apron! I think I need to update my kitchen wardrobe 🙂

  40. I know how you feel about kitchens – mine is dark and not very inviting which is why I take everything I need to photograph each month out into the garden. Very girly looking apron. Turns you into a true cooking muse. (I was going to reference a Domestic Goddess but given recent events…) I look forward to reading more IMK adventures in 2014.

  41. Great things – love that your processor has two bowl sizes, that would solve so many issues! I remember having to work out the ‘stick of butter’ thing the other way when I moved over here, I still have my little conversion chart of 1 stick = 8 Tbsp and 1 Tbsp = some number of grams ;D

  42. Love all your gifts, but am very envious of the food processor. Your pooches do look very youthful!

  43. You’re gorgeous in that cute apron! 🙂 So many good stuff in the kitchen to start a new year Charlie. The gingerbread was beautiful, and a little sad to see it’s gone (but your blog post about it will last forever!). It was fun reading your January report. 😉

  44. Smart processor Charlie – and very nifty that it comes with two bowl sizes! I had two processors back when I lived in France. The only problem was, one of them was WAY too big to make things like pesto, and the other one was impossibly small! As a result I often had to resort to doing things another way (old fashioned via pestle and mortar for example!).

  45. Congratulations on your new food processor!! What a beauty! Lots of neat things in your kitchen and yes, you in that apron does remind me of The Stepford Wives. 🙂

  46. Love the glimpse into your kitchen! And who cares if you think your kitchen is ugly – you’re doing amazing things in it anyway!

  47. What wonderful presents! I adore your new apron, Charlie, and I must say you look lovely in it 🙂 And i love your doggies…so cute as always.

  48. I tried to leave a comment on your newest post and they wouldn’t let me!

  49. love all the goodies in your kitchen.

  50. I think Archie’s presents are brililant and I love you in your apron and all the wonderful good things in your kitchen 🙂

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