In My Kitchen

Since joining the blog world I’ve really enjoyed the series created by Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial named ‘In My Kitchen’, and have loved having a snippet into other food blogger’s homes and catching a glimpse of where they cook.

I was going to try and out do Celia by calling my post, ‘In My Lingerie Drawer’ but you would probably all be disappointed so I’ll just stick to the brief and here I go.

In my kitchen…

is a buxom lady.  Behind her ample chest is an area where I store my bills.  She is so well-endowed the bills become hidden and so I blissfully become unaware that they even exist.  What a blessing.

In my kitchen…

is a 1948 Ford Woody…

In my kitchen is…

is a 1965 Ford Mustang…

In my kitchen…

is a 1960’s sea-plane…

Because marriage is a compromise!

In my kitchen…

is a set of weighing scales from the 1800’s, originally used to weigh beasts of up to 500lbs (227kgs) after they had been slaughtered.  These came from Carl’s great-great-grandfather’s property in the Hunter Valley and are precious!

In my kitchen…

is a hanging rack for all my pots, pans and utensils.  I couldn’t live without it.

In my kitchen…

is a worthless but priceless gift that we received for our wedding from Carl’s great-uncle.  He was a struggling farmer from Tamworth and we loved him dearly.

I hope you enjoyed my little tour and become inspired to participate in this ‘In My Kitchen’ series.

What’s in your kitchen?

Want to keep in touch?  Join the fun on the Hotly Spiced Facebook page!


  1. Love your kitchen…I like the cars too! Especially the Mustang!

  2. I really liked it Charlie 🙂 You have some great pieces and meaningful pieces ~ i wish i had a hanging rack too it’ll save so much room and make cooking so much easier sighhh 😀 

  3. It’s always great to get a glimpse of where people cook.  Well that’s the polite version, basically I’m nosy! So thank you for letting us into your kitchen.  Love the Buxom Lady and The Ford Woody.  GG

  4. I loved this mini tour of your kitchen because it gives such insight into your personality and the “things” you value for sentimental reasons. You are so right to treasure that gift from the farmer uncle, the great great grandfather and more. I like the buxom lady idea for hiding bills.

    After viewing your kitchen, I realized I just don’t have anything exciting in mine. Unless a vintage brown sink counts. And that I would like to see junked.

  5. Denisetyrrell1 says:

    What a great idea, I love looking around other people’s houses especially their kitchens. Love the scales – I want some like that.  My hanging rack went to the tip at the last kitchen reno – I was very sad about that but as you say marriage is a compromise.  I inherited some model cars too!

  6. I love this escorted tour through your world 🙂

    By the way, Choc Chip Uru gave me the versatile blogger award and now I’m passing it on to you. Check it out at

  7. Hi,
    I just love the car with the surfboard on the top, that is just so cute.
    The 1800’s scales are fantastic, even more so knowing they have come from someone very special. It is lovely to have items around you that others have given you, I feel these things will always bring a smile and memories as well.

  8. Niasunset says:

    I lovedddddddddddd so much. Thank you dear Charlie, with my love, nia 

  9. I love Celia’s posts also.  She is darling.  Great post.  Glad to have found your blog.  The header picture made me lol. 

  10. What lovely things you have in your kitchen, Charlie. I used to have a pot hanger in my old house…this house just didn’t have the room. I loved it because if I picked up something unusual from an antique market, it would usually go on the hanger and people would usually guess what the items were when we had parties. I think I’ll check out Celia’s blog now. Sounds like a lovely blog and since you enjoy it so much, I will too! Happy Thursday!

  11. Real jewels! I love the scales and the rack is a brilliant idea. This is what I need for my pans.

  12. Awesome IMK post!  I see many more treasure being unveiled in months to come.
    🙂 Mandy

  13. Sweet Posy Dreams says:

    How fun to see some of your prized possessions.  Family items always mean so much. The cars are a fun touch!

  14. Oh, Charlie, that was such fun.  I love the humor in your kitchen–I’ve never thought much of homes that have no humor, and your kitchen is just great.  

  15. Choc Chip Uru says:

    There is so much awesome retro style decor – I love it 😀
    And that hanging rack just be a lifesaver!

    Choc Chip Uru

  16. A_boleyn says:

    Thank you for sharing your kitchen with us. I love the hanging rack as well.

  17. Lovely tour and I may have to sneak in one dark night and steal your buxom lady and the weighing scales!

  18. Charlie, I should have known that nothing in your kitchen was ever going to be mundane or boring! Buxom ladies, model cars and slaughter scales! Carl’s great-uncle’s gift is actually very beautiful, and a lovely memento for you. You have possibly posted the first ever IMK post without any food in it! 🙂  Thanks so much for playing, love! xx

  19. Lizzy (Good Things) says:

    I love the goodies in your kitchen…  LOL marriage is a compromise and it’s lovely that you have those model cars and plane in the kitchen. Actually I love that vase. Thank you for the tour. ; )

  20. heidi fodor says:

    Your kitchen is filled with wonders and delights- and none of then appear to be edible!
    LOL- I love your ample lady filing system.  And the models are really an act of love- that you consider this compromise and not encroachment!
    But my absolute favorite are the scales!
    My grandfather had one just like that on his farm in Ohio.
    Thanks for the peek inside your kitchen !

    • hotlyspiced says:

      Thanks Heidi. How amazing that your grandfather, all the way over in Ohio, has the same scales! xx

  21. What a great kitchen!!! I love the woman that makes your bills “disappear” hahaha

  22. This is such a fun post – and you have such a fun kitchen! I am laughing at those cars and things though. Compromise indeed 😉 Love your bill hiding system too!

  23. Juliet Batten says:

    What fun. I love the fat lady and the incongruous cars. It’s a great idea. My kitchen is full of photos of those I love, and I look at them while stirring, cleaning or just waiting for something to come to the boil.

  24. ChgoJohn says:

    Thanks, Charlie, for the peek into where the magic happens. The vase from Carl’s great-uncle is truly priceless but your Mustang makes me feel so old. I remember seeing  a billboard for a new Mustang convertible, with a young blonde at the wheel, selling for $2395.00. Considering that they were introduced in 1963, I was “in utero” at the time. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

  25. Bitsandbreadcrumbs says:

    Fat lady, cool scale, very cool seaplane and cool cars…I love your kitchen!

  26. Thanks for a peek into your kitchen. You do have some very interesting things in there 🙂

  27.  I love this series!  I have another blogger who’s sharing her kitchen and I look forward to it every month!  I’m glad you joined!  Me?  Um… a little lazy to write about it, I think?  You were so funny about the compromise.  At first I thought cars and airplanes are your collection.  LOL.  Looking forward to next month’s post already!

  28. Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella says:

    Hehe that buxom lady is very useful indeed! Everyone needs one of those, in fact a cupboard sized one for things that you just can’t deal with/throw away 😛

  29. Heh, great idea Charlie, love it. Maybe I can be inspired to post some photos of my tiny kitchen too 😀 Love that little pot you pictured above… looks really cute!

  30. Maxabella says:

    I like your kitchen very much!  Especially the Mustang. x

  31. Deeps NaughtyCurry says:

    oh i love this post, how interesting ur kitchen is! the hanging pot- rack is a wonderful idea, the cars add a lot of character but what i like most is the buxom bill hider 😀

  32. I love your kitchen, especially the weighing scales, such an amazing idea!

  33. That buxom bill lady is INCREDIBLE.

  34. What cute little knick-knacks!

  35. Gretchen says:

    Very fun!  Love that scale and that vase thing- though perhaps not worth money, is indeed wonderful when from such a special person! 

  36. What a great scale! It’s a fun idea to think about what we have in our kitchens. Mine was beautifully remodeled about 32 years ago! Ha! At the time it was so modern and beautiful, and we’ve kept it nice, but the counters are dated and many things are really. I’ve recently been thinking that maybe I’ll just go with it! Since things are in good condition…why not bring back the avocado appliances and make it a completely retro kitchen. I’m seriously considering it! Debra

  37. I love the hanging rack for the pots and pans. I have one too and love it.

  38. Justasmidgen says:

    I thought about doing this today.. I think I’ll have to join next time.. It was fun visiting your kitchen today!! Lots of cool stuff!!

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