Robertson Pie Shop

Still in Robertson, the one thing we were told to do while there is visit their famous pie shop.

The famous pie shop

The famous pie shop

At first we thought it must have pulled up stumps and headed out of town as when we drove through the main street we didn’t see anything that looked like a pie shop.  But then a lady at the Old Cheese Factory told us that you drive for a couple of kilometres out of town and then you find it.

It's on the main road

It’s on the main road

Once you’re headed in the right direction, you can’t miss the pie shop.  With its bright yellow colouring it’s highly obvious and as well as that, there are so many parked cars outside the shop you’d be right in thinking that that’s where everyone from the town has descended.

It's about 2-3kms from the town's centre

It’s about 2-3kms from the town’s centre

The pie shop has been there for decades and from the look of the building, it’s probably been there since the late 1950’s.  There were a lot of people in the store but also a lot of staff and so you don’t have to queue too long before you’re served.

Plenty of parking is available for the busy pie shop

Plenty of parking is available for the busy pie shop

Like a step back in time, the staff wear uniforms and look neat and tidy and there’s a smile when they serve you.  In the glass cabinets I noticed a lot of large pies that are available in both savoury and fruit varieties.  A lot of people were buying large pies to take away with them and it seemed the fruit pies were very popular.

Rows and rows of pies

Rows and rows of pies

It’s a shame to visit a pie shop when you’re not particularly hungry but we did and wondered what to order.  There is a long list of savoury pies available however I was disappointed to find that the varieties were all very stock-standard and the list reminded me of ordering a pie in a local bakery about two or three decades ago.  There were varieties like steak & onion, steak & kidney, steak & potato, steak & mushroom, chunky beef, chicken & vegetable and chicken.  It did seem that what was on the menu when the shop opened decades ago is still on the menu today.  After the pie shop had been highly recommended I was disappointed not to find some more interesting varieties of pie like Thai Chicken, Moroccan Beef, Tandoori Lamb and Beef Burgundy.

Plenty of seating

Plenty of seating

There was a ‘yummy new pie’ on the menu that sounded a little more thrilling and so Carl ordered the Beef Bourguignon with chunky beef in red wine with fresh mushrooms and bacon.  He was disappointed and said it wasn’t anywhere near as good as the Bourguignon pie he buys from the French patisserie across the road from his office.

Beef Bourgignon

Beef Bourguignon:  $6.00

I ordered the steak and onion pie.  While the pie was served hot (hate a luke-warm pie) and while the pastry was flaky (hate soggy pastry), the filling in the pie reminded me of ordering pies at the school canteen when I was in high school – curious ‘steak’ and difficulty in recognisable ingredients.

Steak and Onion Pie:  $4.60

Steak and Onion Pie: $4.60

What was good about the pies is that they held together well and they’re very reasonably priced.  Our lunch cost just over $10.00.

Local honey is for sale

Local honey is for sale

The other good thing about the pie shop is that there’s plenty of indoor seating and if the weather’s good, there are lots of outdoor picnic tables in a lovely park-looking area with overhead trees providing plenty of shade.

Outdoor seating

Outdoor seating

It is a shame we weren’t more hungry as I would have liked to have tried some of the fruit pies, particularly the cherry.

Verdict:  Traditional pies with traditional flavours.

Plenty of parking is available for the busy pie shop

Extra seating is available at picnic tables outside the pie shop

Robertson Pie Shop:  Cnr Illawarra Hightway and Jamberoo Road, Robertson NSW 2577

Ph:  02 4885 1330


  1. I could sure use a savory pie and a pint after my day with Pearl, the bewitched oven. Looks like a cozy place.

  2. I am always a sucker for a good pie shop – looks like there is a pie shop trip on the horizon 😛

    Choc Chip Uru

  3. Yep… Honestly I can’t believe we posted a pie blog on the same day, very cool 🙂 and my post is about being disappointed with store bought Pies, glad to hear that even at the “best pie shop” you where still a little disappointed. Make them yourself I say 🙂 Liz x

  4. I had always wanted to own a pie shop! How lovely this is, and set up as an old fashioned store. They all sound yummy to me, I’m inspired now to bake up a savory pie which will be perfect for the fall time.

  5. I can’t ever remember my mother making a pie in my life. Of course, she made apple strudel from scratch so I never missed an apple pie. When I eventually tasted pie in my late teens early 20’s I wasn’t overly impressed by the concept. Still, it’s disappointing that someplace so famous and recommended underwhelmed you.

  6. Yeah, Bill would have made a beeline for that pie shop! He would probably love any of their offerings (without nuts, coconut, mushroom, etc. of course), but I have a feeling I’d be more discerning, like you!

  7. My guess is that when you’re out of the big smoke, the old tried and true recipes are what people buy. I would have eaten the cherry pie instead of a meat pie. You’re so much better than I am at this eating stuff.

  8. Mmmmmmm…..pie. It’s such a let down when the pie or anything doesn’t quite live up to the hype. I wonder if the fruit pies were better? We have a fruit pie place here close to the Rocky Mountain State Park, (they don’t eat many meat pies here) and I had the same disappointed visit, the fruit pies were questionable. I stopped going and just make my own. Sigh.

  9. Sweet fruit pies are always a winner Charlie. Nice to see there were no soggy bottoms- the biggest pastry no no! Xox

  10. i am always wary of commercial pies. the fact that they can legitimately sell a meat pie with only 25% (or is it less?) meat makes it very scary. maybe fruit is safer:) ?

  11. G’day! Nothing worse than going to a pie shop and getting an ordinary or substandard pie Charlie!
    Guess the locals must like and support their pies or else they would have updated with the times….such a shame…
    Cheers! Joanne

  12. It’s so bad the fillings weren’t better because the pastry looks great. It’s not the prettiest shop either but it’s easy to find with all that yellow.
    We have a pie shop along the highway home from the cottage but they mainly make apple pies. It’s got a petting zoo and wild bunnies that roam free.

  13. You could have always taken a dessert pie home for later, hate it when some people rave about something and then it is nothing what you expect. Have a happy rest of the week 🙂

  14. I think for that price I would have taken a couple home to taste later! I don’t know why I don’t make savory pies more often. My sweet tooth takes over!

  15. I wish we did savory pies here more often!

  16. I love pies, both savory and sweets…there are not many pie places around here…
    Enjoy your week Charlie 😀

  17. Yes a hot pie with a flakey crust but also a delicious filling too. What a shame as it sounds like you were a bit let down.

  18. Oh no! You would think somewhere that gets such rave reviews would have top-quality meat and delicious fillings. At least the setting is nice.

  19. This reminds me of when I was a young girl. Mom and I would go out for a lunch of pie, chips and gravy. Lovely happy memories. What a pity you were a little disappointed after all the hype.
    Have a happy day Charlie.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  20. These pies look good, even if the flavours are a bit pedestrian. Good value!

  21. I can remember going there since I was a kid, it was always a stopping point going up or down Macquarie Pass

  22. I suspect this is not my sort of pie shop – so many traditional pie shops only have a vegetarian option of a pastie – but it sounds like this is geared at those who want to be at a traditional bakery rather than an innovative menu but I know what you and I would like!

  23. I love pie shops! Don’t see that many of them, and in the US you never find savory pies. Our loss. Too bad the pies were so ordinary — I wonder if the sweet ones were better? Anyway, interesting post — thanks.

  24. The only time I’ve been to a pie shop, I was disappointed. I wonder if the fact that they have to make so many of them influences the quality of the ingredients. So glad the pastry was good, though…and at least it was an adventure!

  25. In the days when I could eat pie at restaurants I was always a little disappointed in the manufactured-ness of them. Often like you said, the filling was questionable and of course, the crust could never hold up to my grandmother’s or mother-in-law’s.

    Wouldn’t it be fun to start a pie shop where each pie was made completely from scratch and by hand? Along with allergen friendly pies. The line would be out the door!

  26. There is NO WAY I would pass up a shop like that…
    but which one would I pick? Perhaps all of them! xx

  27. Boom Yeah!!! Love me a meat pie, we always stop at the pie shop (hungry or not) on the way to the coast. 🙂 That’s such a shame you were a bit let down by your pie experience. Have a rippa weekend Charlie. xox

  28. I do love pies, but I’m with, I would have preferred some fancier flavours.

  29. When you said pie shop I was immediately thinking apple, cherry, chocolate cream…. I’ve never heard of a savory pie shop. That’s just downright cool!!! Now I need to hunt one down in my area if one even exist.

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