The Bush Walk

Today’s family activity was an early morning bush walk from the Boambee Bay Resort where we are staying to the surf club at Sawtell Beach.  This should have been a half-hour walk but with Alfie finding all manner of things to interest him along the way, we weren’t back until nearly lunch time.  Wanting to be the best boy scout, Alfie asked if the could have in his pocket, his father’s top-of-the-range leatherman.  Against all sense of reason, his father agreed and this did surprise me because Alfie had just lost the leather pouch to the leatherman so Carl could no longer clip the bloody thing onto his belt.

The reason for our first stop was him showing me where he and his father went fishing yesterday.  They stood in the river, actually in different parts of the river and hoped to catch something.  Anything really.  But despite the fresh prawn bait, all fish avoided the temptation and it was steak for dinner again last night.

Where the fishing happens

Where the fishing happens

Then there was a rock tunnel that Alfie wanted to run all over from one side to the other but we’re trying to have a holiday where we don’t visit the nearest hospital so I wouldn’t let him.  There was a 15-minute scene where I had to go over all the reasons why such an act had probable risks.

Explaining why it's not a good idea to walk across this narrow join

Explaining why it’s not a good idea to walk across this narrow join

Then there was a steep grass hill that led down to a cliff face that he just had to go down because he said he could show me how Bear Grylls could do it and in fact, I wasn’t doing it the ‘cool way’, he was because it was the Bear Grylls way.

There he is

There he is

We went down on to the beach and were walking towards the surf club but this took an incredible amount of time because Alfie was looking for flat stones to skip into the river on our return journey.  Every stone along the vast beach had to be inspected for its potential ‘skipping’ ability.

Doing the 'Bear Grylls'

Doing the ‘Bear Grylls’

We strolled further along the beach and finally arrived at the surf club that was an excellent pit stop for fizzy drinks and ice creams.  There was a surfing competition going on in enormous surf that we watched but it was overshadowed by the largest goanna I have ever seen.  It must have been two metres long and it was shedding its skin, climbing trees then disappearing in the long grass and reappearing on the public path.  I have written about goannas before and as far as I know, goannas don’t make a habit of attacking humans however they will defend themselves if they feel threatened – and no human will come out on top in that situation.

A very large goanna

A very large goanna

We then had to make the journey back to the resort and having finally made it, Carl was putting the key into the door of our apartment, and turned to Alfie and asked, ‘And where’s the leatherman?’

And Alfie turned a shade of white and replied, ‘What leatherman?’

‘What leatherman’ indeed.  It is no more.  Alfie has no recollection of where he might have left it.

Massive and lethal

Massive and lethal


  1. Oh my, that is some adventure Charlie! That lizardy thing sure is ugly, I can’t believe Alfie stood so close to it. The walk sounds fun though, and to see things through the eyes of a kid like that would be incredible! He is so adorable; Alfie, not the lizardy thing.

  2. I totally understand why a simple 30 minute walk can take hours! I too have a 8 yr old boy! They have so much fun though and it’s amazing to see their excitement. Looks like Alfie had a great time, pity about the leatherman though.


  3. hey that looks fun! I would love to visit Australia once and take my husband with me and roam about like this. It seems like as if the environment is pretty save all together (and nothing is privatized, not like goa..) My husband said the goanna looks like a monitor lizard. Those lizards here in India are hunted down by people because it seems that when you drink their blood you get high and it makes you to move a lot more which results in god knows something… anyway. enjoyed your post Charlie. =) Happy sunday.

  4. Between the water dragon and the goanna, the wildlife seem to be a bit more exotic than I’d like. 🙁 Poor Alfie … does he have to replace the leatherman out of his allowance

  5. That’s beautiful scenery for a walk! I’d love to see a goanna–from a distance. Hope you’re having a great time!

  6. Somehow I knew the leatherman was going to turn up missing – too bad! Sounds like a fun day anyway. Great scenery, and how much fun to see a goanna! Fun day – thanks for sharing it with us.

  7. Great scenic photos!

  8. Other than the giant goanna, it looks like a beautiful place to visit!

  9. Such a fun day my friend, love the photos 😀


  10. What a great sounding morning, despite the Leatherman. I’ve never heard of a Goanna, it’s massive! GG

  11. From the first word I knew the leatherman was a goner. Poor Alfie must feel bad that he’s lost something that his dad loved. That’s why kids have parents I suppose 🙂

    In spite of the leatherman, you must have had such a good time just being outside and watching him play like kids SHOULD play.

  12. Aaah no! Now what’s he going to use to cut the leg off a lorikeet? 😉

  13. holy smokes that goanna is hugeeeeeee! Love being outdoor and bush walking. There’s no other feeling quite like it!

  14. Oh The Bear Grylls Phase – we too are going through that phase in our house. It is a little hard to be all Bear Grylls like in Manly though which was where we went adventuring this weekend. Looks like you guys are having a great time x

  15. I bet Bear Grylls would have grabbed the Leatherman then wrestled that goanna, then voila- dinner is served!
    I bet it would definitely still taste better than that pork roast at the RSL 🙂 x

  16. Whoa!! That looks one kind of super adventure Charlie! The goanna is SO big..I would love everything else but the wild life…I am a total chicken when it comes to that….though my boys would find a lot of that adventure fabulous. Too bad for the Leatherman……

  17. Oh my gosh, as a kid I would absolutely have been begging to cross that “bridge” too. Now, even at 26, there is no way. NO WAY. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it!

  18. Having raised a son, I could only laugh at this post.

  19. Looks like great fun. What a beautiful place and beautiful boy. Can’t say the same about the lizard though.

  20. What a great adventure, I loved tagging along with my son. Being a girl (of course) it is a glimpse into the world of little boys. I think there’s a bit of pixie dust and Peter Pan going on in their lives. Your son is a sweetie, too bad about the leatherman (I assume that’s sort of like a swiss army pocket knife we have here?) But that Goanna.. I’m not goanna be anywhere near that thing in my lifetime, lol!

  21. Oh dear, so sorry about the Leatherman. But I’m glad Alfie is safe and sound…no falls down cliffs and no tangles with large and rather ferocious looking goannas. Sounds like a successful vacay so far! 🙂

  22. Oh no! I thought that that might happen but was hoping that the story would end on a “and the Leatherman was safe and sound” ending. That goanna looks enormous! 😮

  23. Oh, Charlie, this post had me smiling from beginning to end. When you mentioned the leatherman went into Alfie’s pocket, I knew it would never be seen again. His running all over, skipping stones, just being an 8 year old boy. My Mom, though, never retraced my steps like you did.
    I cannot tell you how many times during our family vacations I left everyone in the morning, fully expecting to return for lunch with enough fish for our dinner. And when I returned empty-handed, I left out again after lunch, sure that they’d be biting by then. Never once did I catch anything that made it to the table nor did I doubt that the next time out I’d bring home plenty of fish. All in all, I’d say you both had a fantastic day. 🙂

  24. Ah dear – I’m not sure that quite qualifies as ‘best boy scout’ status!! He would win out at Bear Grylls climbing though, and courage at ‘bridge’ walking 🙂

  25. Well dad should have known better really – how can you blame a little boy when there are just soooooooo many very interesting things to explore. Hope he wasn’t in too much trouble!!

  26. Oh no! Bear Grylls wouldn’t have lost his leatherman! Sounds like quite an adventure at least. My cousins have a place at Sawtel and visit there all the time. Looks like a very pretty part of the coast.

  27. Oh dear, I know how Pete feels about his leatherman or should I say leathermanS! Each car has one, there is one in the office, garage and a spare one somewhere along the line and I am sure to have forgotten one somewhere along the line – hey, maybe I could send you the spare one for Carl – not sure how Pete would feel about that though.
    Enjoy the rest of your week.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  28. It looks and sounds like you’re accumulating vacation memories by the minute, Charlie! The waves and wildlife are breathtaking, not to mention Alfie’s bravado. 🙂

  29. What a great and fun adventure! And gorgeous pictures 🙂 But that goanna looks scary and huge!

  30. I’m not familiar with goannas, but what a massive beast! I can only imagine Alfie would find him wonderfully interesting. I love Alfie’s curiosity. as I know you do. It must be great fun to go exploring with him, but then again, keeping him safe is an entirely different effort! The view of the ocean and shoreline is just gorgeous. Makes me want to head to the coast!! You have a beautiful place to exhale, Charlie! ox

  31. I know nothing about goannas and the only reference that comes to mind is from Crocodile Dundee. I know – shameful! And I’ve been to Australia! Sounds like you are having a great time and that is what matters. Enjoy your trip.

  32. LOL…I loved the “what leatherman?” Been there! Wow, what gorgeous scenery. I can see where that rock tunnel would be extremely tempting for Alfie…pretty cool…unless you’re falling off it :/

  33. Sounds like a wonderful vacation with lots of adventure. Good that you are documenting all the activities. Alfie is a real cutie.

  34. sounds like quite a trip to me! i think its not only kids, its men in general. you give them something and ask for it back an hour later, they will generally respond with what *insert object*?

  35. Easy come easy go. My kids are exactly the same. Costs a fortune.
    Sawtell looks beautiful this time of year.


  36. This looks like such a beautiful walk… Gorgeous scenery:)

  37. What an awesome vacation!!! Our vacations usually take a detour to the emergency room, I’m glad he didn’t try to cross over the water on that scary, narrow rock.

  38. What an adventurous boy he is. I’m not surprised he lost the leatherman (whatever that is), with so much activity. It looks like a fantastic environment to be in, even though the goanna looks a bit scary.

  39. Looks like quite the adventure! Somehow I knew that Leatherman wasn’t going to make it home… 😉

  40. You made me wish to get away to nature and have some relaxing time. Glad to see you are having a wonderful time with your family. My kids were complaining about hiking 2 summers ago, but last summer we all enjoyed family hiking. This year they started to ride bike without training wheels, so I’m SUPER excited about family biking/hiking in the summer time. (We started to bike already in the neighborhood). Enjoy your vacation!!

  41. I can’t imagine living in a land where such things as goannas are running around wild! Fun. How lovely that you’re able to get away – even if you will be returning with at least one less item in your suitcases. 🙁

  42. Gosh, that goanna is huge. We see tiny little lizard things running across rocks in the forest sometimes, but nothing like this. I can’t imagine what it must be like seeing one of those things sitting on the path!

    Fantastic scenery Charlie… especially that first one showing the wonderful coast. Glad you’re having good weather and a good time… even if you’ll be returning home one Leatherman lighter :D.

  43. Great shots of a gorgeous place! Oh I love the ocean and rocky seashores. This is definitely my kind of place. Sounds like everyone is having a blast.!

  44. Hi Charlie, nice scenery. Thanks for the tour. Regards.

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