The Diabolical Angel

When you’re a little guy with a big, big, big brother, it doesn’t matter what that big brother does, he’s your hero.  Little Alfie is so proud of Archie and can’t get enough of him.  And he wants to share him.  For a full year he asked me if I would ask the principal of his school if Archie and his band could sing in one of the school’s assemblies.  I’m afraid I just brushed him off with a lot of, ‘Yes, one day I’ll ask’, and ‘We’ll talk about that later’, kind of replies because I didn’t want to put the principal in an awkward position and I was pretty sure she would have other educational pursuits in mind.

Belting out a song

Belting out a song

But Alfie wore me down.  One morning when I was walking him to school he asked, ‘Can you just ask the principal this morning?  Just ask her if Archie can sing in the assembly?’  And I thought I may as well get it over with; go and ask the question then we can all move on.

I left Alfie at the bottom of the stairs where he has to walk up three flights to the classroom then headed down the corridor to see if the principal was in her office.  As luck would have it, there she was and her door was wide open so I took that to be a welcoming sign.

Stomping his fee

Stomping his feet

Walking in and feeling like an intruder I asked her the question Archie had been asking me.  The principal’s response was overwhelmingly positive.  She would love to have Alfie’s big brother perform in assembly.  She would check the schedule and get back to me with when he could sing.  Sorted – and so quickly too.

I thanked her very much then walked back along the corridor and passed the staircase where I’d said ‘goodbye’ to Alfie.  And he was still there.  ‘What are you doing?’

‘I just wanted to make sure you did ask the principal’.  The dear little chap thought I might have been trying to placate him and not actually do the deed.

The next day I was told the first available assembly where Archie could perform was in two month’s time.  To Alfie that was a lifetime away.  But we’ve been counting down the weeks and the sleeps and finally, today was the day of the assembly.

Sitting on the stage steps

Sitting on the stage steps

I went along to support both my sons and saw Alfie’s teacher just before the assembly.  ‘How’s Alfie been?’ I asked and you would think by now I would have learned not to ask that question especially when yesterday she had described his behaviour as ‘diabolical’.

‘He’s been excellent’, she said, ‘Because he’s so excited to have his big brother here’.

I sat at the back of the hall and Alfie was in the second row from the front, right in the centre of the stage.  After being introduced by a Year 4 student, on came Archie with his band members.

Some theatrics

Some theatrics

Now Archie isn’t shy.  And he’s full of confidence.  And he just loves an audience.  And off he went whipping the children up into a frenzy, stomping his feet, walking through the audience, sitting on the edge of the stage, asking them questions, taking questions from the audience, calling these little people, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’, and throwing himself all over the stage.  They thought he was fantastic.

Listening to a question from a little boy

Listening to a question from a little boy

Archie had planned to sing four songs but the enthusiastic audience all asked for more so he kept going until he’d sung eight.  The children all started clapping and waving their arms and stomping their feet and were so loud you could hardly hear the band.  It was a huge success except the teachers were wondering how they might calm the children down before heading back into the classroom.

Down on his knees

Down on his knees

And Archie’s little brother never took his eyes off his big brother.  He sat through the performance totally mesmerised.  Yesterday he was diabolical, today he was an angel.

Rocking on

Rocking on

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  1. Oh that’s lovely Charlie. You must be so proud, I look forward to seeiing him perform myself

    • I still don’t have the exact dates of his performances in Rent. I know it opens on August 30 but there are two casts so I don’t actually know what days Archie is performing. I’ll definitely let you know when we’re going and hopefully we can get there on the same night.

  2. Just lovely, everyone’s big brother should be adored like Archie is! And he performed too at his little brother’s request, all those kids will remember that for years to come! 🙂

  3. Charlie, this post today, more than anything, shows the love of family. What a great story. What talent. Can you give us a link so we can all listen to Archie’s band? The instruments alone make me want to hear their music.

    You should be so proud of your boys. Both of them.

  4. How wonderful that they allowed big brother to come and play at assembly! And you got to be there as well? Fabulous! There’s a memory that will last a lifetime right there! xo

  5. How touching when so many brothers fight to have the younger adore his older brother so much and the older willing to come to his little brother’s school to perform with his band. Kudos to the principal for agreeing to the concert without even asking to vet the material ahead of time to make sure it was ‘age appropriate’. I hope Alfie always considers Archie to be his hero.

  6. Awww you must be so proud!!!

  7. Alfie must have been besides himself with joy! So nice of Archie to do this (although he seems to have enjoyed himself immensely). Fun post – thanks.

  8. diabolical – what kind of a thing is that to come out of a teacher’s mouth? love the rest of the post, but that teacher needs to go find some sensitivity

  9. I got all goosebumpy reading this. What a beautiful post.

  10. How touching. Good for Archie. I can so identify with this as I had older brothers (7 and 10 years older) and can still remember the pride when one of them just brought me my lunch money when I was in first grade–not very graciously either, I might add! I was proud and he certainly didn’t entertain anyone. I love it that Archie did this for his little brother. Just love it.

  11. This was an amazing post on so many levels, but mostly as a mother of two boys 6 years apart I really found this touching. And I watched that video – no wonder Alfie is so proud!

  12. Sweet Posy Dreams says:

    If only there were audio!

  13. What a lovely relationship they have Charlie, I bet they both had a good time from the look of the photos 🙂 I watched the video and I think archie and co were still a little hyped as well, next time they should pass the hat around!
    I love the description ‘diabolical’, it sounds like Alfie’s teacher has a sense of humor- I guess she’d need it with a class of 30ish little people to deal with every day 🙂

  14. How good is that!! How good is Archie to deliver a performance so good his repetoire needed to be doubled. And to take questions too – What a wonderful experience for Alfie, he will be the talk of the town forever.

  15. You must have been a proud mother yesterday – what a wonderful relationship your boys have. I can only imagine how excited the kids must have been.

  16. This is gorgeous. This is simply gorgeous. It makes me SO happy.

  17. Aww that is SO sweet! I love how proud Alfie is of his big brother and I have no doubt that Archie charmed the whole school with his talent and charisma! 😀

  18. G’day! What a lovely story Charlie that truly brightened my day!
    You have A LOT to be proud of in a very special way!
    Cheers! Joanne

  19. Been a while since I stopped by and said hello. Loved your story and how much your little guy admired his big brother … Hope all is well 🙂

  20. Oh how gorgeous!! I love this story, so heart warming and beautiful… What beautiful children you have 🙂

  21. That is the cutest thing ever! How lovely that he’s so proud. I bet he was the most popular kid in school!

  22. That’s so cool how Alfie thinks Archie is a hero – haha my younger sister just thinks I’m an idiot 😀

  23. So cute…I love to read this kind of story, it sure makes me feel how innocent kids are. You must be very proud…you did a great job raising your kids Charlie.
    Hope you are having an enjoyable week my dear 😀

  24. What an awesome post, reading brought a massive smile to my face.

  25. This just goes to show asking a question never hurts anyone! So glad that Archie could perform. Bet Alfie is super proud of his older brother 🙂

  26. Big brothers are the best. I bet Alfie was the most popular student this week in school. Can I get your big brother’s autograph, all the girls swooning over him… Great post! Take Care, BAM

  27. I remember what an event school assemblies used to be, Alfie must have been beside himself with pride! How lovely for him, and for Archie too!

  28. What a lovely story Charlie – and good on Archie for being prepared to indulge his adoring little brother! It sounds like a great assembly for both of them, and for you 🙂

  29. Too cute! So lovely that Archie and his band mates went and played there and so lovely that Alfie wanted him so badly to be there. Lovely boys you have CL 🙂

  30. This is such a sweet post!! It’s super adorable how Alfie looks up to his brother…and also Archie must really care about him also to put on such a great show!

  31. I can just imagine how Alfie holds Archie as the worlds best big brother ever! Lovely!
    🙂 Mandy xo

  32. Wow, this concert was a full success !
    Can imagine how proud Alfie was about his big brother.
    Great post ,sweet story:)

  33. How fun for the brothers! They both must have loved the experience. And, you must be a proud Mom!

  34. What a beautiful story of brotherly love Charlie, I am so glad that principal allowed Archie’s band to play for the little ones. Such a lovely post.

  35. That’s so wonderful!! Older siblings tend to discard the younger ones usually but really, they would do anything for them. My son only has older sisters, and as much as he says he doesn’t like them, he can’t get enough of them and they look out for him too.

    So nice to see their special relationship. I hope to see Archie perform one day too, maybe when he’s doing a tour here in America 🙂


  36. What a sweet post! I was smiling all while looking at the photos and reading about your precious guys 🙂

  37. From all reports at school, he was amazing! Enjoyed by teachers and students alike. That boy’ll be famous one day soon!

  38. That is so cool for your Son, Charlie! He is looking cool on stage, performance is in its blood!
    Thanks for sharing! so cool! X

  39. you must be very happy! thanks for sharing! he is handsome too

  40. Aw, what fun for both your boys. I’m sure Alfie was on cloud nine! My boys are 6 years apart and I see Nick idolizing his older brother, too 🙂

  41. How proud you must be of both your boys. So cool.

  42. Aw that’s so cute… does Alfie want to share him with everyone because now I want to hear Archie sing too! Did you take any videos perchance?

    • Hi Charles, later Archie and his band performed on a train. A passenger videoed it and uploaded it to FB. I’ve put the link in the comments on the blog.

  43. aw, how adorable that Alfie looks up to Archie so much. It sounds like Archie did an amazing job!!! What a proud mommy you must be 🙂

  44. And that is the beauty of family and I am sure that memory maker of an event will not be forgotten by any of you in a hurry.

  45. I really loved this story Charlie! Alfie is so sweet and I love that he’s admiring his big brother. And Archie agrees to perform for his little brother… you raised the kids so well! Wish that it was a video!! 😉

  46. How cool is that of Archie! I can just imagine Alfie’s excitement. Miss A looks to Mr. N much the same way. What a great treat and it had to be such a joy as a mom too. 🙂

  47. Charlie, I’m so glad I read this post! (Still catching up…) What a wonderful thing for Alfie to experience this moment after big bro’ (and Mama and the school principal) accommodated his request. The ripples include Alfie being promoted from demon to angel… Archie doing what he does best… and you — basking in the glow of mothering that means something — for the rest of your children’s lives! Heartwarming… love this.

  48. And a good time was had by all! How wonderful, Charlie.

  49. Oh Charlie, this post made me emotional this morning! What a lovely family you have. And there’s just nothing sweeter than a little brother looking up to his older brother. Archie is SURE to be famous one day! 🙂

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