Triple Layer Pavlova

What to do when you have a freezer full of little zip-lock bags containing egg whites.  I don’t know why it is I have so many egg whites but I do.

Triple layer pavlova

Triple layer pavlova

A few days ago we were invited to a friend’s house for some American hamburgers, (he’s from New York and he cooks a great burger).  I said, ‘I’ll bring dessert’ and to even the score, I knew I’d have to make an Aussie classic.  (This is also a Kiwi classic – I do not wish to offend my friends across the Tasman).

Everyone's favourite

Everyone’s favourite

This is where a freezer full of zip-lock bags of egg whites comes in handy.  Last night I pulled three bags from the freezer and by this morning the contents were nicely thawed out.  With so many egg whites (one bag contained seven, the next three and the third, two) I knew one pavlova wouldn’t do – I had enough egg whites for three!

Decorated with summer fruits

Decorated with summer fruits

And so I made a triple-layer pavlova filled with a vanilla cream, fresh mango slices and a raspberry coulis.  This dessert has some height but it’s a very light dessert so it’s not overwhelming and even after the biggest USA burger, you will have room for all three layers.

Triple layer pavlova

Triple layer pavlova

And this is a complete dessert; there’s no need to serve anything ‘on the side’.  With the light-as-air layers sandwiched with vanilla cream and fresh fruit, you don’t need anything else.  And this is a dessert that’s light on the wallet and as long as you have egg whites, sugar, whipping cream and something in your fruit bowl you’re good to go.  I chose mangoes and raspberries as they’re in season right now but any combination of colourful fruits is fine, however, I personally think bananas are a tragedy on a pavlova, but that’s just me.

A dessert with height

A dessert with height

If you’re wanting to blend a USA favourite with an Aussie/Kiwi classic, you can’t go wrong with a triple-layer pavlova.

Any combination with fruit works with pavlova

Any combination with fruit works with pavlova

5.0 from 7 reviews
Triple Layer Pavlova
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Australian/New Zealand
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 8-10
A classic Aussie dessert, triple-layer pavlova sandwiched together with vanilla cream, raspberry coulis and slices of fresh mango
  • 12 egg whites
  • 3 cups castor (superfine) sugar
  • 1½ tbs cornflour
  • 3 tsp white vinegar
  • 300g (10.5 oz) frozen raspberries
  • 1 heaped tbs castor (superfine) sugar
  • 1 heaped tsp cornflour
  • 600ml (20 fluid ozs) pouring cream
  • 2 vanilla beans, scraped
  • 1 heaped tbs icing sugar
  • 3 firm mangos, thinly sliced
  • 1 punnet raspberries
  1. Pre-heat oven to 140C (280F).
  2. Line 3 baking trays with baking paper and draw 3 x 22cm circles on each sheet of paper. Turn paper over as no one wants to eat ink.
  3. In a large mixing bowl (I use a Kitchen-Aid), beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, a quarter of a cup at a time. Continue beating until sugar is dissolved and meringue is thick and glossy. Beat in cornflour and white vinegar.
  4. Divide meringue between the trays and try to ensure the circles of meringue are an even height across the circle.
  5. Place in the oven for 40 minutes.
  6. Turn off oven. Keep oven door closed and allow to cool over the next few hours.
  7. Remove pavlovas from the oven and begin assembling the dessert.
  8. For the Coulis:
  9. Place frozen raspberries and sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer for a few minutes. Strain raspberries and discard the seeds. Return coulis to the saucepan and heat over a low temperature. Combine cornflour with a little water and stir to make a smooth paste. Add to coulis and stir over heat until coulis thickens. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
  10. For the Vanilla Cream:
  11. Whip cream in a clean, dry bowl with icing sugar and vanilla beans until stiff peaks form - watch you don't over whip; it can happen in a flash!
  12. For the Assembly:
  13. Place one of the pavlovas onto a serving platter. Cover the top with ⅓ of the cream, drizzle with ½ the coulis and ⅓ of sliced mangos. Repeat with the next layer. For the top layer, cover with remaining cream and remaining mango slices then decorate with fresh raspberries.
  14. Keep in fridge until ready to serve.
  15. Best eaten within in a few hours of preparation.
An Aussie classic

An Aussie classic

And don’t worry about trying to make your pavlova look neat and tidy – good pavlovas are always best with that handmade look – the worst pavlovas are the neat little rounds you find on the shelves of the supermarket – you may as well chew on a sugar-cube.  So have a go at making a pavlova layer cake; it’s not that difficult but it will put some Aussie/Kiwi blood in your veins.

Filled with vanilla cream, raspberry coulis and fresh mango

Filled with vanilla cream, raspberry coulis and fresh mango


  1. Gorgeous, Charlie! Perfect.

  2. A most impressive dessert – Charlie – I bet the Americans were impressed:-) Love the filling/decorations – I do miss lovely Aussie mangos!

  3. Nice one !
    One of my favourites. It can look so decadent and rustic at the same time.
    I agree that bananas wouldn’t be a great choice of fruit. Too sweet and no acidity. A pavlova likes a bit acidity on top, to cut through the sweet creaminess.

  4. Think this will have to be served at one of the many family get together’s this December.
    Have a happy day Charlie.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  5. Excellent Charlie. Looks delish but no mangoes for me. 🙂

  6. I knew there was something that put Aussie blood in my veins but I had no idea it was a pavlova! I should have known as I’ve eaten my weight in them and that’s considerable.

    Your pav is beautiful!

  7. one day I am sure I will make a pav but even egg whites in the fridge has not lured me – you pav looks great and I hope your american friend appreciated it

  8. I’ve never come across bananas on a pavlova but I agree – that is not a good combination! Yours, however, looks lovely and you highlight how saving things pays off (imagine if you’d just thrown the egg whites away).

  9. What stunner, Charlie. I have a tupperware container with 8 egg whites in it in the freezer … I keep thinking I’ll try macarons again but that’s a very vague possibility. I love the mango and raspberry idea though I wondered when peaches are in season. What’s more Aussie than a peach Melba pavlova? 🙂

  10. Well, I’ll never have a freezer full of egg whites, but if I did, I know what I’d do with them. Very lovely Charlie! And you’re right – this doesn’t need anything else. A complete dessert!

  11. Perfection…… 🙂

  12. I routinely find myself with enough egg whites to make a triple layer pavlova. It’s one of my favourite ever desserts. A nice choice to bring an American friend.

  13. Not so sure about bananas on a pavlova either. This looks like a perfect pav Charlie

  14. I’ve made a 3 layer pavlova but it was pretty sad looking! Yours is GORGEOUS! When in NZ, we were dining with some Aussies and Kiwis—and eating pavlova for dessert. We learned all about the battle for the rights to who made this first!

  15. Charlie, this looks wonderful and I’d say your dessert outdid the hamburgers hands down.

  16. You are so clever and talented. What a gorgeous dessert. bet everyone would have loved seconds, I know I would.

  17. I wish you would give us a clue about where a dozen egg yolks were used! My problem with pavlova or other meringue creations is always what to do with egg yolks… unless you just give up and make lemon curd instead of whipped cream. The layered look is really appealing!

    best from mae at

  18. I keep seeing pavalovas but I have been too intimidated to try my hand at one – and here you are churning out three! 🙂 Love this layered pavlova – am all for light desserts – the lighter they are the more of them you can enjoy – right?

  19. Amazing idea!! Now I know what to do next time I have extra egg whites on hand 🙂

  20. Such a beautiful dessert Charlie, I have never had a pavlova before, looks amazing!

  21. Charlie, that is a gorgeous dessert. Perfect after a big burger too. I would have loved to have seen what his NY burgers looked like!

  22. I was so late to the pavlova party I feel like I need to make up for lost time, (for 30 years I thought I didn’t like it) never mind I’m making up for it now, looks wonderful Charlie.

  23. What a statement piece!!! Gosh I love a good pav, thanks for making my mouth water 🙂
    Jan x

  24. What a beauty! I’m sure this beautiful pavlova was more the centerpiece than the burger! 🙂 I love the fact that in ingredients it is quite light yet it looks decadent! i can’t wait to give it a spin! 🙂

  25. You definitely can’t beat a pav! It’s always my highlight at Christmas!

  26. Haven’t made a pav in years, love how magnificent they look, especially great considering the simplicity of the dessert. I haven’t found myself with left over whites in recent times, but I whipped up an angel food cake, had about 12 yolks left over. What does one do with them?

  27. Good thinking my dear. I’ve heard from so many blogger friends about this delish dessert but actually never tried it myself. Loved the mango topping.

  28. ooh waw, what a show stopper! 🙂 MMMMMM!
    i love a good pavlova any any say, but your triple layered one looks huge, amazing & even fabulous! I also love your tasty fillings! You can come over at any time to learn me new things in the kitchen! waw! x

  29. Storing the egg whites in bags in the freezer? Genius. Guess what I’m going to start doing. So clever Charlie. This is Miss A’s favorite dessert of all time! She would love a triple layered variety. It is just beautiful.

  30. I love this layering idea – I make so many Pavs per year I can hardly count them…but mine are always large and rectangular to feed a crowd, this would make a fabulous change…(I was born in NZ so forever the ownership of this dessert continues….I don’t care who invented it because either way it tastes divine..) xxx

  31. Wow, this looks impressive and mighty delicious, Charlie!! This pavlova is a showstopper 🙂

  32. What a gorgeous looking dessert! I love the theatre of a tiered pavlova, it’s something I keep meaning to try making but still haven’t worked up the courage. You’ve inspired me! 🙂

  33. Gorgeous pavlova, just wonderful. I feel inspired as well.

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