What a Difference a Year Makes

During the week Alfie had his Athletics Carnival.  Some of you might recall last year’s carnival where Alfie came last in almost all his races – bless!

Having a good day - a much better day than last year

Having a good day – a much better day than last year

He came home from that carnival totally deflated and it was of no help that I kept saying, ‘Yes, but did you see me win the Mother’s race?’ because I was rather focused on my own success.  But when everyone tired of hearing about my moment of glory I said to Alfie, ‘Well it can only get better’.  And he said, ‘Why?’

‘Because you can’t do worse than come last.  You can only improve from there’.  No, that didn’t work for him either and waiting another 12 months to see if he could better that day’s performance seemed a lifetime away.  So I continued.

Coming around the bend into the home straight

Coming around the bend into the home straight

‘There are children out there who peak too soon.  They start out winning everything and they’re very pleased with themselves but every year they seem to slip further and further from glory as others rise up.  Those boys who were the champions today may very well find they’re not next year’s champions.  And they’re going to feel a lot worse than you’re feeling now.  No.  He went to bed flat.  Oh well, I tried.

Fast forward 12 months and we’re at the carnival again.

Running to the finish in the 800mtr junior open age event

His first event was the 800mtrs and it was the under 8’s, 9’s and 10’s all thrown in together so there were about 40 in the race.  Every time he ran past me I yelled at him to move faster.  I’m a very good motivator like that.  He finished 15th.  That’s not last.  I could have gone home very happy right then.  But there was more.

He's wearing blue (he's in the blue house).  Running in the 100mtr heat.

He’s wearing blue (he’s in the blue house). Running in the 100mtr heat.

His next event was the 200mtrs and again it was all three age groups lumped in together.  It was the first time he had ever run in a race with a staggered start.  He was on the inside lane and thought he was being terribly disadvantaged – until he rounded the bend!  He won his heat but the computer that spits out the stats said his time wasn’t fast enough to make the final.

The next event was the 100mtrs.  He won his heat, made it into the final and won that too.  He’s off to the Zone Carnival and he’s overjoyed.  What a difference a year makes.

And the race is run

And the race is run

I know you’ll all be disappointed to hear there wasn’t a Mother’s Race.  Can you believe it!  So without an opportunity for me to have a second moment of glory all my focus was on my boy which is absolutely how it should be.

Loving the athletics carnival

Loving the athletics carnival

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  1. Congratulations Alfie! But what this boy really needs, Charlie, is to get just a little bit older and he can start running all the much longer distances! He’ll leave them for dead once that happens! 🙂

  2. That is such great news. What have you been putting in his breakfast this year? I want some of it.

  3. I bet he was a happy chappy at the end of the day. Shame you didn’t get to be Princess Di again!

  4. Woot woot! COngrats!!! It’s amazing what can change in a year!

  5. Hes gorgeous Charlie. What fun it is for him to experience such glory. He looks so much bigger than last year. Your little boy is growing up!

  6. Congratulations Alfie, he seems he will be great in next years too…Blessing him, Thank you dear Charlie, have a nice weekend, love, nia

  7. I can’t believe it’s been a whole year. I do remember! Congratulations Alfie! Good job…I think we all could do well to remember that a year in any disappointment can bring about some changes or improvements in outlook. I wonder why they discontinued the Mother’s Race? Perhaps after your exuberance last year they decided it took away from the children’s moment in the limelight? LOL! Have a good weekend, Charlie!

  8. Yea for Alfie! So happy for him. And you. I bet you would have won the Mother’s Race again this year. They just didn’t want the other mothers to feel bad! XO.

  9. Congratulations to Archie on three well run qualifying races. And the win on the final. He should be proud of himself and I hope he had lots of fun. Which you should be having whether or not you win … but is always more likely to be the case when you DO win. 🙂

    Hard luck about no Mother’s race, Charlie. Maybe next year they’ll have one and you can show off your new racing togs.

  10. Congratulations to Alfie, it’s so great that he’s doing so much better than last year. You must be very proud of him!

  11. Go, Alfie!

  12. Congratulations, Alfie! Well done!

  13. I am thrilled for him. He is nothing if not determined. And it is all about coming into his own and not peaking too early.

  14. That smile says it all! When you did the run together I knew his fortunes would change this year. What a wonderful day.

  15. Way to go Alfie, true!
    Mum has A LOT to be proud of and his smile illuminates anyone’s day too!
    Cheers! Joanne

  16. Probably a good thing there wasn’t a Mother’s Race this year Charlie, there are Mothers out there who peak too soon. They start out winning everything and they’re very pleased with themselves but every year they seem to slip further and further from glory as others rise up. It’s better this way that your son can remember you at your best, don’t you think? 😉
    Great job Alfie, very impressive indeed little man!

  17. Nawww, go little Alfie! What a champ! Are you also saying that you are still interested in running after your shin splint/fractures/nastiness?! That’s dedication!

  18. Go Alfie you little champion!

  19. Go Alfie! Look at those little legs go. He makes me tired just looking at him run… LOL Hey isn’t there a song that starts out like that “What a difference a year makes”?

  20. Well done Alfie and on Allan Border Oval and in front of Ken Gulliver gates.

  21. Congratulations Alfie! He might believe you on the ‘peak too soon’ message now – he has clearly come into his own beautifully and 12 months makes all the difference at that age.

  22. Well done Alfie, a happy and successful day 🙂

  23. Good on you, Alfie.

  24. Congrats Alfie! YOu must be one proud Mumma bear 🙂

  25. Congrats Alfie!!! What a champ you are turning out to be!!

  26. What a great story this is. You said such good things to him, and I bet he took them in, even though you would be the last one he’d let know. I’ve been reading about successful people and they all have the quality of persistence, and the ability to pick themselves up after failure.
    Congratulations Alfie! (and Charlie you win the mother’s race for Encouraging Mothers!)

  27. Congrats to Alfie! I know that feeling well. Ran the mile in 6th grade and came in dead last. I was mortified. I took the next year to try other sports, but really I still wanted to run. Came back in 8th grade took first in the mile and set a school record. Felt fabulous. I’m sure he was beaming! I’m very happy for him. 🙂

  28. What a wonderful event for Alfie. His face just beams with joy. I know you are both happy and proud.

  29. Congratulations to your Alfie! Maybe next year they will resurrect the the mother’s race 🙂

  30. Well done Alfie! And it’s true that some kids peak at school while others peak a little later in life! 😀

  31. Congrats to Alfie! While it’s true having your moment in the sun at some distant point can be quite sweet, nothing beats experiencing success right now! Glad Alfie had that fun.

  32. That is SO AWESOME! Congratulations Alfie!!!!

  33. I bet that will be just the first of his athletics achievements. Well done Alfie! Just think Charlie you still hold the crown. GG

  34. Yay, Alfie! Well done! 🙂

  35. Congratulations Alfie! I was never much of an athletic person… usually came close to last, although I wasn’t bad at high-jump one year!

  36. Awesome! Congratulations Alfie!
    🙂 Mandy xo

  37. That’s wonderful news Congratulations Alfie! I bet soon you will be the fastest runner!

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