Archives for December 2012

I’m back!

‘Forgive me Father, for I have sinned; it’s been nine days since my last post.’ Unbelievable.  I certainly did not intend such a chasmic absence however it became unavoidable.  As some of you are aware, I have a new job and it involves travel and so since my last post I have been cruising to […]

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

I didn’t think it was a big ask.  I don’t ask for much.  Just five minutes of their time scheduled months ago so they wouldn’t forget and could plan around it but when the moment arrived, one was wanting to rush out the door to a rehearsal in readiness for tomorrow’s exam (last minute preparation […]

Mum’s Christmas Shortbread and The Pageant

It’s not really a ‘pageant’.  That would be an exaggeration.  It’s called a ‘Christmas Concert’ but it’s really a lot less than that as well.  That’s if last year’s concert is anything to go by. It’s the Christmas concert that Alfie’s school puts on but there’s so many students they can’t squeeze into the school’s […]

Friends With Benefits

A few weeks ago one of my friends whom I met because Arabella was friends with her daughter at school, phoned to ask if Carl and I would like to go out on their boat for the day.  ‘Absolutely’, I said.  Who wouldn’t like a day out on the harbour! We were to meet them […]

In My Kitchen – December

I have not met with foul-play.  I am alive and well but yes, I have been a little absent of late.  I started a new job to supplement the income from my freelance job and although the new job was meant to be very part-time, it has in fact been more like full-time with over-time. […]