Passionfruit Curd

The good news is, Arabella is on a high.  After two surgeries and having been hoisting herself around on her cripple sticks since February 22, Arabella will be walking hands-free in 10 days time.  She is having hydrotherapy and physiotherapy twice a week and her leg is becoming stronger and she can almost bend her knee to 90-degrees.  Yay!

Passionfruit curd

Passionfruit curd

But what is making her even happier is that she went to see her surgeon and said, ‘You do know I need to be wearing high heels for my 21st’, and he looked at her and said, ‘And I don’t know why you wouldn’t be wearing high heels’.

She saved me some

She saved me some

Arabella loves her heels and has quite a collection of shoes that see her teetering about at around six foot five and I get a kink in my neck from looking up at her.  And all her pairs of gorgeous shoes have been in the cupboard for months.  So in just a few short weeks she will be able to wear them again and her life will be back to normal and then there will be her 21st birthday party.

Passionfruit curd is versatile.

Passionfruit curd is versatile.

Yes, the party.  She’s giving me grief about it but I’m sure you all expected nothing less.  When I speak of grief, I mean it took us six months to agree on a theme.  The theme I wanted was met with, ‘Don’t be ridiculous, mum’, and the themes she wanted were so bizarre I had to look them up on the internet to try and work out what she was visualising.

Makes about one and a half cups

Makes about one and a half cups

One thing we have agreed on is the menu.  I actually didn’t get a fight from her about my menu suggestions.  I’m so surprised I’m wondering if perhaps she’s putting that battle on hold and saving it up for when I’ve already bought the food.

It’s a very pretty colour

Today is all calm with no battles to report.  That’s probably because she’s at the hospital having her hydrotherapy and physiotherapy so I have the house to myself.  It’s giving me a lovely opportunity to be in the kitchen and I have several dishes on the go.

There's nothing wrong with them if they're a little wrinkled

There’s nothing wrong with them if they’re a little wrinkled

Remember how I recently attended a lunch promoting passionfruit season?  I was given a lovely big basket of passionfruit to take away with me.  Arabella hasn’t eaten them all and there are a few remaining so I made a passionfruit curd.

You can eat it straight from the jar

You can eat it straight from the jar

It’s very easy to make, takes only about 20 minutes from start to finish, requires just four ingredients and once made, makes a lovely gift.  If you like, you can strain the passionfruit juice so you don’t have any pips in your curd but I think the pips help distinguish it from lemon curd.

The curd will thicken further when cooling

The curd will thicken further when cooling

Passionfruit curd is very versatile and you can enjoy it sandwiched between meringues, spooned over fruit salad, dolloped on top of pavlova, spooned on top of ice cream, layered between a sponge cake or you could make a passionfruit meringue pie.  Or just be like me and eat it straight from the jar with a spoon.

Passionfruit curd is versatile.

Passionfruit curd is versatile.

And now…I must get back to those 21st plans – they’re constantly evolving.

5.0 from 9 reviews
Passionfruit Curd
Recipe type: Sauces
Cuisine: Australian
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 1½ cups
Passionfruit curd that requires just four ingredients and only takes around 20 minutes to make.
  • 125gm cold butter, chopped
  • ¾ cup caster (superfine) sugar
  • ¾ cup passionfruit pulp
  • 4 egg yolks
  1. Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan and place over a low heat. Stir continuously for about 10-15 minutes or until the mixture thickens. Pour into a sterilised jar, allow to cool, then store in the fridge.

Passionfruit Curd with fresh passionfruit

Passionfruit Curd with fresh passionfruit


  1. I bet that 21st is going to be a stunning event even though you might need an extended spa vacation afterwards. 🙂

    The curd is beautiful indeed.

  2. So jealous! I adore passion fruit and they cost 2 arms and a leg here. I don’t understand why…we grow them in California. I don’t know if I’d have any passion fruit left to make curd becaus I’d have eaten them all, but like you, I’d eat the curd with a spoon. It looks womderful and I think the pips are the best things about passion fruit and add such a crunch and flavour.

    Good luck with your princess. Mine turns 21 in November, thankfully, she hasn’t asked for a party. Yay!

  3. Mmm, how delicious!
    Good luck with party plans – I suspect you’ll need it.

  4. Yum I love passionfruit and I love curd. This looks fabulous Charlie. Great news about Arabella 🙂

  5. So glad to hear…. and I am sure the 21st will be spectacular. I don’t know what I would do with out my heals and being 6ft I’m always heads above everyone especially in heals 🙂 Oh and passionfruit curd is like comfort food to me 🙂
    Liz xx

  6. Oh know I missed what all happened with Arabella, might have to skim read some more posts, glad she is on the mend. Passionfruit in NZ (where I live anyway), are so expensive like $1.50 for 1. When we were in the Gold Coast, the other week, we couldn’t believe how big they were over there, and how much cheaper they are. Man that passionfruit curd looks so yummy 🙂

  7. I am so happy for Arabella, no crutches and a 21st bday party. Life is good, but it is even a little better with a bit of this passionfruit curd. Wow the ideas to use this are endless! Love your beautiful photos as well.

  8. At least you have a menu sorted out – I can’t wait to find out what the theme is. And I have everything crossed there’s no more drama in your life for the rest of the year – or at least until the party is finished.
    Love the gorgeous colour of your passionfruit curd – I bet it’s a real winter pick-my-up.

  9. I’m with you on eating it straight from the jar while standing at the refrigerator late at night with only the light from inside the refrigerator on. Or maybe it’s just Nigella and I who do that. 🙂

    I’m happy to hear you have the menu sorted and the theme and high heels are back on the list of approved footwear. Things are looking up at your place!

  10. I am glad to hear that Arabella is recovering; I still can’t believe such a simple accident caused so much grief. Good for Arabella for wearing heals even though she is so tall. My SIL does too even though she towers over my brother when she does!
    Thos curd is lovely, it looks absolutely luscious.

  11. Those passionfruit look amazing Charlie. I love passionfruit curd. we are planning 21st stuff too.

  12. This curd is the loveliest shade of yellow. And I bet equally as tasty.

    Great to hear that Arabella will soon be off crutches. That’s a long time to be semi-immobile.

  13. Glad Arabella is almost mended! I’ll bet her 21st will be something — will be looking forward to the report. 😉 In the meantime, I’ll happily satisfy myself with this recipe. Love passonfruit! Not always easy to find here (the frozen section at Mexican markets is the best bet), but I enjoy it so it’s worth seeking out. Thanks!

  14. Charlie – it’s been awhile since I visited your space as it’s been a crazy summer – but – yay! I am so so glad to hear Arabella is healing well and should be walking hands-free soon! As for this passionfruit curd – wow – it’s stunning! I love passionfruit – and used to eat so much of it when I was in Sri Lanka that i wanna climb through my screen for that spoonful! Good luck with the 21st plans… xx

  15. So happy for Arabella–am sure she (and you!) will be absolutely over-the-moon with joy when she can walk properly again. High heels? I can’t imagine coming off such an injury and wanting to wear heels…wait…am I that old? Of course I can.

    This passion fruit curd looks divine. I can almost taste it. Easy to make as well. Now I just have to find some of the actual fruit, which isn’t always easy here in San Miguel.

  16. I’d eat it with a spoon first, then on to other desserts. So glad Arabella will be ditching her crutches soon and can wear heals on her special day!!! xo

  17. Great news about Arabella, love passionfruit curd xx

  18. Good luck to Arabella getting off the crutches – and good luck to you with the party preparations!! This curd looks lovely xo

  19. Oh, love passionfruit curd – in fact anything passionfruit! Good luck with the 21st – no doubt you will keep us posted:-)

  20. Yay for Arabella, so glad to hear she is getting back to normal and will be able to wear high heels again soon. Looking forward to reading about the 21st birthday party, how many are you expecting? I just know you will do a fantastic job.
    I am with you and the other commenters, eating the curds straight from the the way to go.

  21. Oh yes I like it with the pips too.
    Wow well it has been quite a long road but I’m glad she’s nearly all better (I bet you all are!).
    I can’t wait to hear more about the 21st plans.

  22. Your passionfruit curd looks delightful Charlie! Looks forward to hearing all about the 21st!

  23. Well you have high standards to live up to after the titanic 21st! Good luck with the organisation – try and do it after she has just worn her high heels again for the first time and is feeling really happy 🙂

    I bought some passionfruit yesterday with you in mind but not enough for curd – must remember to eat them like boiled eggs

  24. Good for Arabella! So glad to hear that it is all coming to an end. It did seem like the longest time. And I’m trying to envisage what this bizarre theme would be that you’d have to google!

  25. Arabella must be so relieved at the prospect of being off those crutches. Thank goodness the surgeon understands about the heels! I love passion fruit, this curd sounds wonderful, perfect for a summer dessert, if there were any left after I’d attacked it with a spoon! GG

  26. I feel like going to your parties would be like flying first class – something so beyond imagining and the realities of my daily life that my entire sense of the world would be rocked to its foundations, and to always be remembered as “that time when…”

    ps yay for Arabella!

  27. Very curious about the theme… and I love passion fruit curd… with a passion! It is not so easy to get around here, so will have to resort to making it.

  28. Your curd looks fabulous Charlie. Looking forward to hearing more about Arabella’s 21st too.
    Have a wonderful day.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  29. It seems to be a curd day! I love this. We only ever do lemon but today so many seem to be blogger about fruit curds.

  30. I’ve never had passion fruit before, but it looks delightful. The curd is beautiful, so rich and creamy. I like the look with the pips left in. I cannot wait to hear about the 21st birthday celebration! I still remember Archie’s and have no doubt this will be just as creative and fabulous!

  31. The curd looks beautiful and delicious. I always end up spooning curd directly from the jar to my mouth before I can use it for much else. 🙂 So glad that Arabella is doing well and that she’ll be able to really enjoy her 21st.

  32. Whoa, what’s up with all these flavourful curds! Tandy just made her own raspberry curd and now this vibrant looking passionfruit version. Love it!!

    Julie & Alesah
    Gourmet Getaways xx

  33. Good news about your daughter, it has been a long time, poor thing. Your curd looks amazing, I could eat it by the spoonful.

  34. So glad that Arabella is doing better and will be dropping those crutches soon. YAY! Passionfruit is something we don’t see a lot over here, so I haven’t actually tried it. I do love a good curd though so I’m pinning this for future reference. It looks quite delicious!

  35. Passionfruit curd…amazing! I am always so impressed that you find time for all your creativity in the kitchen. I am so very happy to hear that Miss Arabella is going to be wearing those splendid heels before long. And we all remember Archie’s fantastic 21st, so I can only imagine what you will be planning for Arabella. She definitely deserves a blow-out after what she’s been going through. I’ll get my own party shoes polished! 🙂

  36. This Passionfruit Curd looks amazing … I especially love the vibrancy of the colour. So glad Arabella is finally on the mend x

  37. Danielle says:

    What a gorgeous recipe. I miss having passionfruit outside the back door. So pleased for Arabella, what great timing for her party. Very intrigued to know what bizarre themes she had chosen! Good luck with the rest of the planning 😉

  38. I’m jealous of the passionfruit abundance, but next week I’ll be in Hawaii where it grows, so I might be lucky.

    By trial and error, I’ve figured out how to make lemon curd (same passionfruit curd) in the microwave instead of stirring for 10 to 15 mins and worrying about scorching it. The trick is not too high heat in 1-2 minute bursts, stirring between bursts until it’s the right consistency. It takes far less time and energy than the stovetop way, but you have to figure out the best settings for your microwave, and you have to use a deep enough dish to avoid a curd volcano. (I did the volcano once with chocolate pudding which works the same way). Anyway once you figure it out, it’s really a lot faster and easier.

    best mae at

  39. Great news for Arabella!! 😀 I have never tried passionfruit curd, it looks great!

  40. Dear Charlie, I’ve been following Arabella’s ordeal (and yours) since last Winter — oops, Summer for you — and was surprised to read that “high heels” were approved again, since they were part of what put her in a fix in the first place! I suppose it’s like getting back on a horse again after you’re thrown. 🙂 Best wishes to you both — I just know her 21st birthday party will be spectacular!

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