Rum and Raisin Fudge and…Jogging

Do you remember me telling you about little Alfie running in his first marathon?  Well, it wasn’t actually ‘a marathon’ because it was just 5kms (3.1 miles) but when you’re running on seven-year old legs, I’d say it’s a marathon.

The event he ran in is held every 12 months so in just a few weeks the race will be on again.  It’s coming back to me like a recurring nightmare, that I do remember saying to Alfie when he finished the race that I would run it with him next time.

‘Next time’ just seemed so far away.

Rum and Raisin Fudge

Rum and Raisin Fudge

Well fast-forward 11 months and it’s time to register for the big race only Alfie doesn’t want to register for the 5km event, he wants to register for the 10km event.  The last time I went jogging was in 1983.  I remember it well.  It wasn’t 10kms, more like six.  While jogging might be like riding a bike in that once you’ve mastered it, you never forget, I’m sure that after a 30-year absence you need to do something prior to a race like actually get out there and go for a run.

Stirring through the raisins

Stirring through the raisins

With the event rapidly approaching on June 16 I’ve decided it’s probably time to start doing some jogging.  I was invited to join a running group (I wasn’t actually, I had to ask them if I could join), and they’ve said I can run with them.  They train on Wednesday mornings at 6am and are looking forward to seeing me tomorrow.  It will be hard for them to see me though seeing as it will be pitch black at that time of the morning.  I’m already feeling sick about it and I’m not looking forward to my alarm going off at 5.30am.

Then when I get there, there’s an hour of running.  They reassuringly told me that in the group they have people of all standards.  I’m worried I’m going to create a new sub-class.

Poured into the tin and ready to sit in the fridge

Poured into the tin and ready to sit in the fridge

And back in 1983, we didn’t worry about getting kitted out for a jog.  We just threw a t-shirt over the top of whatever bra we happened to be wearing, put on some track pants or shorts with an elastic waist, slipped into probably a pair of tennis shoes and off we went.  Didn’t even take a water bottle, a rolled up yoga mat or a takeaway latte.  We must have been a hardier generation.

Anyway, I have no running gear.  I did have some running gear and it was very new and very smart.  It came from Lulu Lemon and I paid a fortune for it thinking wearing all that gear would make up for not having run for 30 years.  But can you believe, when we recently moved house, my brand spanking new running gear was stolen.  The supportive top I bought still had the swing tickets on it (of course having not been for a run I hadn’t even worn it).  Who steals running gear?  No one stole my kit back in 1983.

Very rich!

Very rich!

I will find something to wear, set my alarm for 5.30am, get myself to the training session and pending my survival I will report back to you on how I fared.  It may not be good news.

Because I’m launching myself into a situation I greatly fear, I thought some comfort cooking would be absolutely essential.  Despite Arabella going on and on and on about the evils of sugar, she was actually quite thrilled when I made this.

A quick and easy no-bake recipes

A quick and easy no-bake recipe

Rum and Raisin Fudge

Makes:  20 small pieces

Degree of Difficulty:  2/5

Cost:  This can be made with ingredients you should have in your fridge and pantry.  I even had a small bottle of rum essence on my shelf.

  • 675g (1 1/2 lbs) sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 tin sweetened condensed milk
  • 125g (4 ozs) butter
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1 tbspn golden syrup
  • 1 1/2 tspns rum extract
  • 3/4 cup raisins

Put sugar and milk into a saucepan, mix, and slowly bring to the boil.  Add condensed milk, butter, salt and golden syrup.  Boil until it reaches soft boil stage, about 10 minutes stirring occasionally.  Cool, then add rum extract and raisins and beat until thick.  Pour into a 20cm greased and lined square tin, and place in the fridge for a couple of hours to set.  Cut when hardened.



  1. Better you running than me…

  2. Running is not for me, but good luck with that. Be sure to eat some of this great looking fudge for energy before you go!

  3. I often have a good old chuckle when I read your posts Charlie, you have such a nice style (I love the sarcasm!). Thank you for sharing your entertaining stories.
    I’m pretty sure that 1983 was the last time I ran too. It so happened that when I went out for a run I returned home with a nasty rash, that had nothing to do with the running but everything to do with Epstein Bar (Mono) so that was it for running; you can’t run when you have Mono because you could rupture your spleen – I didn’t even know I had a spleen! You are so right about the gear, and Lulu Lemon is a Canadian company, but I only broke down two years ago and asked from yoga pants for Christmas — paying $100 for yoga pants just seemed ridiculous to me. Having said that, they are the best quality as they go into the wash nearly every week and still maintain their famous butt support and colour. That’s a real shame that someone stole them, if you bought them on a gold or platinum Visa, they will sometimes replace stolen articles for you.
    I take my hat off to your Alfie, he sets the bar quite high, I wish him well..
    This fudge looks decadent and although I really love the flavours, it would be too dangerous to have them at home. Rum and Raisin were my dear Mom’s favourite flavours. It’s another chilly and rainy day here, hoping it warms up soon as I’m getting really tired of the yoyo weather we’ve been having.

  4. argh I fear runs too, not my thing at all and 6 am? no way!
    running kit? lol I have never seen somebody wearing a special running kit. lol we live in a different world most probably, but I ll tell ya, a normal top, some sport shorts and pants and snickers will do. Just present your fudge to your running pals after the run, they will love you and if they don’t then they are crazy!

  5. You stick with the jogging, I’ll just have the fudge thanks. Yum!

  6. Heh, hopefully it wasn’t the see-through Lulu Lemon pants 😉

  7. You’re either a really good and supportive mum … or a glutton for punishment. I reserve judgment. 🙂

    But the fudge looks great. Just one question. Since cans are different sizes in different countries, how many fl oz/grams would 1/2 a can of condensed milk be? I used the last 2 cans in my pantry to make dulce de leche and used it in making alfajores.

  8. I can’t believe you are going running! Especially at such an ungodly time of day and in winter!

    Good luck, may the force be with you! The things we do for our children :0

  9. Don’t mind running but I like the look of the fudges better.

  10. Someone nicked your running gear? That’s outrageous! Have a good run darling, my knees are hurting thinking about you.. xx

  11. I love running! It’s a stress reliever for me 🙂 I love fudge and this looks delicious and tempting.

  12. I’m not a runner, I’ve tried so hard but it’s just not for me. Enjoy your run, and come home to a delicious piece of that slice!

  13. Why do you encourage your children Charlie? If you lowered their expectations life would be much simpler indeed! It’s 0* here and foggy this morning, I’ll stumble off to my nice air conditioned gym later and think of you slogging it out on the sidewalk 🙂 xox

  14. If I would have to choose between running and fudge I’m afraid I would rather prefer the fudge 🙂
    Anyhow, my full admiration Charlie for your decision to participate in the event !
    The rum and raisin fudge looks superb and is easy to make, perfect.

  15. Good luck on your run Charlie! You’ll do just fine. You are in-shape and have great endurance with your swimming. Just set a reasonable pace for yourself and you’ll have no trouble at all. So sorry your Lulu Lemon was stolen. I love that store. I have yet to buy anything, but I frequently window shop. 🙂 And despite sugars evils…this dessert would easily make me forget all of that! Can’t wait to hear how it goes. And I know how you feel about the alarm – mine is set for 5:30 a.m. tomorrow as well (though in a different time zone). I hate when I have to set it that early.

  16. As soon as I saw ‘jogging’ in the title I started laughing! I hope you survived! I’d say there’d be a good black market for brand new lulu lemon gear. Probably popped up on eBay a few days later.
    Sometimes you just need a little sugar.
    Good luck Charlie!

  17. G’day! I run to the fridge and back…does that count? lol

  18. Wow I can’t believe your gear was stolen! I have been dying to buy some Lulu but it IS so exprensive!! Good for you!

  19. I am not a runner, and I must confess that I might be allergic to exercises…
    Your fudge looks very tempting…love the rum and raisin…awesome combination.
    Have a great week Charlie 🙂

  20. that is dedication! 530am in this cold and pitch darkness! i am not built for running so im pretty sure i wont even be allowed to join! and how did running gear get stolen?

  21. Shucks! Hope IT went OK! Had to get up at 6.30 am yesterday to make it to an early dentist’s appointment way away! This morning was bliss 🙂 ! Coffee in bed at 7.30!! Civilized!!!! And last time I did run en groupe none of us very definitely had specail gear or shoes or anything . . . you know I loved it ‘the old way’; you did it for fun and it was heaps more relaxing and . . . Oh, shut up lady 🙂 !

  22. My teeth are zingng at the thought of this. Get thee behind me, Satan! Not that I am against a bit of comfort sweetness. A stressful week here and I am making a chocolate cake a day in protest. Hope to natter when life calms down a bit and hub gets home-sweet-home this weekend.

  23. Wow you’ve joined a running club as well as your swimming hope you’re not working too hard still need to schedule time to just relax and do nothing! it’s quite sad that someone woudl actually steal your Lulu Lemon running kit that’s appalling! Hope it doesn’t happen again! Good luck with running xox

  24. My trainer loves Lulu Lemon but says how expensive it is! It sounds very nice and high tech though 🙂 If I buy some can I do that instead of jogging for the past 30 years? 😛

  25. I am amazed Alfie managed to run 5kms at that age. Impressive. That is how much I run on average. I usually get up on Wednesdays to go running too but this morning… well, that is another story that you can read in my latest post. I hope your morning was better.

  26. seems so delicious… Thank you dear Charlie, I noted. Love, nia

  27. Oh my – the thought of running gets me all flustered! You are braver than I Charlie! You could always take along the half tin of condensed milk you didn’t use for this recipe for a bit of a boost to get you through the hour session.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  28. I like running but this Rum and Raisin Fudge looks too good to even think about running! I’d have a couple of squares of this fudge first and see about running later 🙂 Delicious!

  29. Sugar is pretty evil until we’re faced with not having it. Then . . . not so bad! Good luck on the running. I used to run too, and probably stopped right around 1983. My knees just couldn’t take it. Mrs K R and I walk instead — walking has much of the same benefit of running (less lung development, though) although it takes quite a bit longer. Which of course doesn’t work at all in a race! Have fun, and good luck.

  30. You are truly a marvel. I am seriously impressed. I’d rather sit on the sidelines eating your fudge and cheering!

  31. Lol!!! I am sure a lot of things were better in 1983 – the music to start with. None of the current – I am the 90 $$#^& and similar s&^%. I am sorry you lost your yoga pants. I hate how expensive they are, ridiculous.

    I can’t run to save my life, and the last I ran, I lasted bout 10 minutes. Great looking fudge there.

  32. What tasty looking morsels!

  33. I don’t envy you the getting up in the dark, or the running for that matter; not my thing. I’ve never had rum raisin fudge, but I’m pretty sure that it is totally my thing!

  34. Who steals running gear indeed!?! The nerve…some people will steal anything though. My adoptive mother for one, will steal the shirt off your back if you turn around long enough! I can’t stand people like that! Running? Ummm, no thanks. I used to run track in high school, got it all out of my system back then, thanks. 🙂 I’ve never heard of rum raisin fudge, but it looks divine. Since I’m not running, though…I’d better not have any…ok, but just a little bite!! 😉 xo

  35. Good luck with your run. I am sure you and Alfie will do well. Just remember to have some of that fudge before and after and run.

  36. I can’t believe someone stole your running gear! And from your own house 🙁 That brand is so pricey.

    This fudge looks totally awesome…I suck at making fudge though. I can’t get the soft ball stage under control. Maybe I should give it another try.

  37. I can’t jog cause it hurts by boobs. I do not envy you and haven’t heard back…’s now Thursday so hope you did well. But you do seem like a very kind mum.

    Shame about the jogging threads……how mean people are.

    Look forward to a full report.

  38. You’ll be fine, absolutely fine. You’ll have Alfie to keep you going during the big run, (theres nothing quite like the enthusiasm (taunts) of a little person to keep you going 😉

    Hope the first training session went well!

  39. I couldn’t think of anything worse than getting up in the dark to go running!! But Alfie will love the fact you have joined in – the things we do for our kids! Make sure you have a little stash of that fudge in your pocket as sustainence!

  40. I wish you all the best Charlie 🙂 I do not run….ever….never! You’re such a good mom 🙂

  41. I admire that kind of commitment, Charlie! Good luck with that…you’re so very busy I can’t imagine you fitting in early morning jogging, but good for you! And this recipe really excites me. My favorite ice cream is Rum Raisin…so now on to fudge! I will need to be the one out there jogging…I can feel the pounds just waiting to jump to my hips!

  42. I hope it wasn’t too painful! I was so anxious before going to my first running club session and I do actually run regularly, so I feel your nerves and apprehension. In fact, I still get anxious most Wednesday nights (my group is Thursday morning) 😛 Fortunately, most people seem to find runners to be nice and relaxed people and I’m sure you are far fitter than you give yourself credit for – all that swimming for one thing! Lucky Alfie to have you support him so literally.

    Gorgeous fudge too!

  43. I’ve been really busy with work and I’m 2 days behind. Now you’ve already run and I have to click to the new post so I don’t get ahead of myself.

    Only really weird people still jogging gear. That would have made me SO angry!

    I’d eat fudge too – knowing that I’d have to run another marathon to wear it off my backside.

  44. Honest I don’t remember last time I seriously run, not to chase after kids, if you know what I mean… You already look very fit, while I don’t do enough exercise and definitely need daily workout….I don’t do anything…. Bought a bicycle though, and hoping to go biking as a family this summer. A big part of me just want to sit and eat your delicious fudge than going out and exercise… I don’t have discipline for exercise at all. :/

  45. Love this post. It has helped explain why I’ve had a drastic lull in my my desire to run over the last couple of years – lack of fudge in my diet!! It all makes sense now and I’m looking forward to trying this recipe and breaking out my new saucony running shoes! I’m probably not quite ready to sign up for another marathon though, I’ll need a lot more fudge before I’m back at that level!

  46. Hi Charlie, great posting but off course your rum and raisin fudge is also extremely luscious. Great recipe, thanks for sharing.
    I don’t jog outdoor, most time run on treadmill and do weigh lifting or do squatting exercise.

    Best regards.

  47. Looks yummy, love the no bake recipes!

  48. Rather you than me Charlie, though maybe you’d better save your serving of fudge until *after* you’ve run the marathon, hmm? Doesn’t seem like the best training plan to eat a load of fudge, haha, although I bet it would be welcome when you’re tired and hungry afterwards, in need of a lovely sugar kick!

  49. Fudge and running, seems like a dangerous combo….or a delicious combo! I remember my running days, and miss them:-) Running is really fun once you get in the groove:-) I seriously want to devour that whole pan of fudge, OH MY YUM!!! Hugs, Terra


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