Scoop Wholefoods Master Class in Making Peanut Butter

Alfie asks a lot of questions.

So many questions.

It can be exhausting and sometimes I reach my threshold and find myself saying, ‘We’re now going to have half an hour where you don’t ask me any questions.  I’m setting the timer.’  And in that half hour Alfie will find other people to target.

Like recently when we were in Scoop Wholefoods and he spied the peanut butter making machine.  ‘What’s this?’ he asked Bettina, the owner, but that was just his first question.  He followed it up with, ‘How does it work?’  And, ‘Are these the peanuts?’ and ‘What does this button do?’ and ‘How loud is the motor?’ and ‘Are you making some now?’ and ‘Can I have a turn?’

The peanut butter machine

The peanut butter machine

Well no, Bettina wasn’t making any that afternoon but sensing Alfie was very intrigued she invited him to come in early one morning before the shop opens to operate the machine and make his very own jar of peanut butter.  Excellent!  Another school holiday outing scheduled.

The very serious business of hand washing

The very serious business of hand washing

One day this week we walked to Scoop with Alfie saying, ‘This is the earliest we have ever been to the shops, isn’t it?’ as he held our glass jar (previously purchased at Scoop) that we were bringing back to fill with peanut butter.

Peanuts going into the machine

Peanuts going into the machine

First we had the very serious business of hand washing then it was time to put on the gloves and Bettina found him a seat in front of the machine.  Bettina scooped the nuts into the top of the gadget and told us that to make peanut butter with lovely consistency you have to buy the right kind of peanuts.  You can’t use raw peanuts as they won’t release the oil so you’ll end up with very, very dry peanut butter and you can’t use roasted peanuts because they won’t give you a good result either.  You have to use peanuts that have been lightly roasted as this helps them release the oil.

All boys love those red buttons

All boys love those red buttons

So Alfie was ready to get going and he told Bettina we wanted to make crunchy peanut butter so the dial was turned to the ‘crunchy’ sign.  Ready to go, he positioned our jar then pressed the red button.  All boys love to press red buttons!  Alfie rotated the jar as the peanut butter started to appear then gave the jar a shake to help the contents settle while continuing to fill the jar.  He made six jars of crunchy and three glasses of smooth.

Keeping his finger on that red button

Keeping his finger on that red button

He was amazed that the only ingredient you need to make peanut butter is peanuts!  Scoop Wholefoods sells a lot of peanut butter because everyone likes the fact they know exactly what’s gone into those jars – nuts!

Taking his master class very seriously

Taking his master class very seriously

As a thank you for all his hard work, Bettina gave him his peanut butter as payment for services rendered.

First jar nearly made

First jar nearly made

We took our jar and headed off to the cafe where Archie was working and ordered milkshakes.

Driving the machine all by himself

Driving the machine all by himself

Scoop Wholefoods:  14 Spit Road, Mosman 2088.  Ph:  02 8065 3400

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  1. Isn’t Bettina just lovely. Also how lovely that she was the target for questions for 1/2 an hour. . I had forgotten how many questions a growing boy can ask ..

  2. he he he this is so beautiful, I wished to be there too and to use this machine, you are both amazing. Thank you, have a nice day, love, nia

  3. What a funky looking machine!! Wouldn’t mind one on my bench top!!

  4. Alfie is so adorable! And I know about the whole question thing, I too have an 8 yr old, not so much about peanut butter (probably because he doesn’t like it) but everything else.
    It’s really nice that Alfie got a chance to operate the machine, it’s great hands on stuff.
    Here in the US most of our grocery shops have the DIY peanut butter machine and you crank your own. I guess it’s fun, I’ve never had a go!


  5. Ah, that Alfie is a lucky boy! 😉

  6. Cute story and a great outing.

  7. Boys are so hands on and it’s great that his curiosity is satisfied in such a positive manner. Yummy peanut butter to take home is a bonus. 🙂

  8. What a fun thing to do with your child–and healthy. Great story.

  9. Mmm…peanut butter…

  10. This is really common in North America – I particularly love the machines filled with honey roasted peanuts that, of course, make honey roasted peanut butter. So good.

  11. G’day and what rock have I been under Charlie, true!
    Didn’t know there was a peanut machine to make peanut butter, but makes sense too!
    What fun, especially for Alfie!
    Who wants to play and buy via the machine now…ME! 🙂
    Cheers! Joanne

  12. What an awesome lady doing that, now in life everybody seems to busy to make that extra effort like above. Have a happy holiday, ours have just started here in NZ too, but having 18 year olds they don’t really want me around anymore, but I can live with that lol.

  13. That is customer service and a half! I still love peanut butter machines (and the resulting peanut butter that comes out of them!).

  14. What a kind woman, and what a good time Alfie had.

  15. How cute!! I’d eat peanut butter that Alfie made any day of the week. 🙂

  16. What a lucky little fellow. And what a great thing to see where his food comes from.

  17. Well done Alfie! Oh how I love fresh peanut butter. I have eaten so much of it lately.

  18. What a great outing. And I love peanut butter but have never had the ultra fresh type. I’ll have to find a place here that makes it!

  19. I would have enjoyed this outing too! How lovely for the store owner to let Alfie be involved too – and nice for you to get another outing in and some time without questions 😉

  20. what amazing customer service! and i would totally love a peanut butter machine for myself with the amount i consume

  21. How lovely of Bettina to offer for Alfie to come and make his own peanut butter.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  22. An inquisitive mind is an admirble thing, I hope he never loses his sense of wonder and desire to learn how things work — and yes, raising such a child can be exhausting! So cute, bet he had a great time. 🙂

  23. Bettina is an incredibly nice and kind person! What a great experience for Alfie (and you!). Lovely post – thanks.

  24. How lovely of Bettina! And Alfie learnt so much that morning – how peanut butter is made, the different grinds, the importance of hygiene, and earning a “wage”! Bet that pb is the most delicious ever! 🙂

  25. alfie looks like a natural! And if this machine was within reach i’d go nuts for it 😛

  26. What a fun experience. When my kids were younger they would have loved this as well. In fact I’m sure they still would and so would I. A great learning experience and I wasn’t aware of the types of peanuts required to get the perfect peanut butter.

    Now that you have so many jars, what will you do with them? Just eat them or prepare some special dishes?

  27. Hehe I’ve been told that I ask too many questions too. I was talking to a flight attendant on the plane and I swear I could have asked him questions for the entire 15 hour flight. But he had people to attend to 😛

  28. Aw, that Bettina is a gem. And Alfie is so sweet and earnest. I’m glad he got this special treat of making his own pb 🙂

  29. I have to laugh because the main reason I use the peanut butter making machine to make our peanut butter is because “I” like to push that button and watch the butter come out. So I’m with you Alfie! Nothing better! 🙂

  30. Oh ……….the questions! How nice that Bettina invited Alfie to make his own peanut butter. All 8 year olds should have this opportunity to see what goes into making peanut butter. Great educational holiday experience.

  31. He does sound like a curious one! It was so sweet of Bettina to let Archie come make his own jar!

  32. Waw, a PB making machine! You know that you can make it yourself using a Vitamix or good kitchen food processor too! 😉 x

  33. I’ve been wanting to make peanut butter in my Vitamix…but now I see that all peanuts are not created equal. I need to do some more homework. What a fun teaching lesson for Alfie!

  34. Young boys are always full of questions, but they’re always sooo cute!! 😉 That’s so cool that you can make your own PB!!! I want a shop like that near me!!! xo

  35. What better than pushing a button and watching peanut butter filling up a jar for you? Alfie is adorable!

  36. What a wonderful experience for Alfie…he truly is a cute kid, Charlie. You are a good mom.
    Who knew you had to have ‘Goldilocks’ peanuts?Not too raw, not too roasted…just right!

  37. Gosh I hope my nephew doesn’t ask that many questions haha he’s still kind of quiet now but he’ll probably be asking me so many more questions next time I go back to HK hehe but it’s kind of cute that they’re so curious!

    So nice of Bettina to let Alfie make his own peanut butter would love to try myself hehe

  38. Oh I have a question asker too, it is RELENTLESS. I’m impressed you can put him off for half an hour every now and then. I try and she lasts two or three minutes before she can’t resist another question… and another…. and another. Curiosity is a great thing, but boy is it exhausting for mothers.

    Love the school holiday activity and the peanut butter, yum!

  39. What a wonderful shop owner Bettina is to encourage and embrace Alfie’s curiosity. And I bet that peanut butter is delicious.

  40. Alfie must have been in heaven operating a machine that makes peanut butter. I bet it’s the best he’s ever eaten, too. 🙂

  41. Cool! I’ve never been there, will look out for it. Love a whole foods store and we’re a bit short of them up here.

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