Archives for June 2012

The Full-Time Mother

I’m not getting anything done.  And it’s entirely because of Arabella. She’s not at school so she wanders around the house looking for me.  There’s not a minute’s peace.  I was typing an email to my sister this morning (very important epistle) and she came in with wet hair and said she was going off […]

She Knows & Chicken and Barley Stew

She Knows is a women’s blogging site that is all encompassing and includes entertainment, beauty and love, parenting, home and living, food and health and wellness.  She Knows has listed their favourite Top 10 food bloggers and I was honoured and overwhelmed to be included on their list. I thought I would introduce you to […]

Playing with Fire

We’ve been back to the doctor and it wasn’t good news.  He’s concerned Arabella still has The Glange in her bloodstream and therefore needs to lie low and not go anywhere or do anything for at least the next few weeks.  He wrote her a medical certificate for another two weeks off school, minimum, and […]

Rosie the Actress

The artist, Bennett Miller has been in Sydney creating a performance artwork titled ‘Dachshund U.N.’ outside the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA).  My two dogs, Ruby and Rosie eagerly (well not necessarily) auditioned for roles and both were selected.  They were thrilled to be selected (well not necessarily) and today had to front up to […]

Exposed Secrets

I was summonsed to Court. I could have paid the fine but chose instead to plead my case in front of a magistrate at the local court.  That seemed like a good idea at the time, but once the day of the actual hearing arrived I was twisted up with nerves and thought perhaps it […]

The Tailor

Tonight Arabella and I are driving to Liverpool in Sydney’s South-West where we have an appointment with the tailor who is making her  formal dress.  I don’t really like going to Liverpool, mostly because I don’t know how to get there and I’m very likely to end up lost and because it can take between […]