Archives for December 2014

Christmas Trees and Christmas Cakes

Coming up is the big, tree-selling day and not wanting to be knocked over in the rush, I went down to see John the Italian greengrocer to kindly ask him to set me aside a tree. When I got there I saw he had a few scrawny and draught-affected looking trees that were knee-high to […]

Snowman Cake

Alfie is so skinny.  When he is in his swimsuit Arabella always says to him, ‘Can you cover up your skeleton?’ But he’s been this way since he was born.  In the hospital there were two babies that were over 10lbs, Alfie and a baby girl.   Apart from their weight they had little else […]

3-Ingredient Cranberry Sauce

Today was my right leg’s turn to be operated on. And yes, I am talking it up.  Not exactly an operation as such, just continuing on with the sclerotherapy and ligations I had last week on my left leg. After an ultrasound where my leg was marked-up I went into the operating room.  The surgeon […]

The Interview Dress

Miss Arabella came home from the interview fearing the worst.  She was applying to a university to study a combined law degree and as well as having satisfactory grades, she had to have a one-hour interview with the Dean of Law. She came home beating herself up with a long list of regrets and saying […]

Festive Fruit and Nut Cake and…Morning Drama

Do you all have morning drama?  We have it in spades. This morning Arabella had a very important interview.  She had to be in the city and ready for her appointment by 9.30am.  That shouldn’t be a challenge.  But when she woke, first she had to go out for a takeaway coffee and then she […]

A Wee Bit of Drama

Today was the day of my ‘procedure’.  I had to be at the clinic before 8am so I planned on leaving the house no later than 7.3oam. After I’d done a day’s work in an hour by making beds, putting the dogs outside, washing the kitchen floor, emptying the dishwasher, putting on a load of […]

In My Kitchen, December 2014

In my kitchen there is a lot going on.  It’s all because of Christmas and with that comes gifts to be made and copious entertaining and all the invites to bring-a-plate events.  Excellent!  And it’s hot.  We’re fortunate in that even though we don’t have air-conditioning, our house stays relatively cool.  But it’s still 26C (78.8F) […]