Going to Court and Lunching in the Planning Room

Today’s been one of those days.  Archie’s been summoned to Court and Alfie’s been sent to the Planning Room.  I wouldn’t mind if my boys paced themselves through their dramas but they want me living on the edge and so when a storm hits, it’s more like a hurricane where I am in the middle […]

Easter Sunday

I thought I’d share with you how we spent Easter Sunday. It started early with war games.  That’s what I’m calling the Easter Egg hunt. But if this game isn’t available, sites like 먹튀검증업체 might have some suggestions. Prior to Easter Sunday I made the mistake of thinking everyone was too old for an Easter Egg […]

Archie and the Possum

Last weekend Archie took my car to a 21st birthday party that was a few hours from Sydney and out in the bush and where my car had to go along a lot of dirt roads.  He brought it back so filthy it is impossible to tell what colour the car is.  He said he’d […]

A Family Update

I thought I would give you an update on the parenting front. Archie is back at uni and on the days he’s not there he’s working at Bathers’ Cafe and also fitting in dance classes with the Sydney Dance Company.   Plans are underway for his 21st birthday party.  There’s an awful lot of organising […]

A Summer Christmas Party

I’m back.  I’ve had a short absence as over the weekend I found the space-bar on my Mac Book Pro wouldn’t cooperate and so I couldn’t space out my words.  Frustrating!  On Monday I took my nine-month old lap top to the Apple repair shop and they confirmed the space-bar had died and as it’s […]

Mum’s Christmas Sugar Cookies and…Archie Goes to School

When Archie was in high school he went to one of those schools where at the end of the year, they broke up two weeks before the public schools and as such, he had a lot of time to fill. One year when Archie was at home having finished school for that calendar year, he […]

Passionfruit Meringue Semifreddo and…The Visions

At the beginning of next year, my Archie will turn 21.  As is custom, he’ll have a 21st birthday party. Planning is now underway.  The greatest hurdle has been in trying to find a venue.  As there will be more than a few guests we are not able to have this event at home and […]

Rent, The Musical

I’ve been a bit MIA lately.  But with good reason.  I’ve been being a stage-mum; stalking my Archie as he performed in the role of Roger in Rent.  Just to prove to you just how seriously I take my stage-mum role, I queued outside the stage doors so I could be first into the theatre […]

Uni Students

Last week I was at the shopping centre (nothing unusual there), going up and down the aisles of the supermarket grabbing everything I knew we needed, (still nothing newsworthy).  My last stop before heading for home was the greengrocers but once trapped in there, (it’s one way in and one way out), I realised that […]

Raw, Vegan Protein Balls

Archie is stressed. And over-worked and over-tired. It’s because Rent opens in just over two weeks and Archie is feeling the pressure.  He says Jonathon Larson wrote a musical score that can kill a singer’s voice because of the range the performer has to sing coupled with the length of time his character has to […]