‘Chockie Night’ and Cherry Ripe Chocolate Slice

When I was in high school I had a friend who lived across the back fence and at their house, every Thursday night was ‘Chockie Night’.  Chockie Night was where my friend’s father would buy chocolates on his way home from work in the city, then catch the train, walk home from the station then […]

Dealing with PR Companies

Being a blogger involves so many things I never thought about before that first post went to air and one of the things is dealing with PR companies. As my blog is only around 18 months old I do not have a wealth of experience when it comes to PR companies but I can say […]

The Vascular Surgeon and…Christmas Coconut Swirls

I was chatting with a friend over the phone a few days ago and she was purging this story of a horrendous surgeon she had ’employed’ to remove her gall bladder.  After the operation she was in a lot of pain and wanted some adequate pain relief but the doctor had only written-up panadeine forte.  […]

Caramel Popcorn and…The Wrong Side of the Law

I have to tell you about my friend. She tries really hard to fly under the radar but somehow, despite her best efforts, she is surrounded by drama. A few weeks ago she had to take her daughter for an ultrasound of a wobbly ankle so drove to the clinic in her massive 4-wheel drive.  […]

Marinated Mushrooms and On the Trains

The solo and impromptu performance on the bus gave Archie inspiration.  A few weeks ago he came to me and said, ‘Mum, I won’t be home Friday night.  Don’t cook me any dinner’. ‘Where are you going, Archie?’ ‘I’ll be catching a train.’ ‘Where to?’ ‘I don’t know’. ‘Is everything okay?’ ‘We’ll just be going […]

Quick and Easy Sausage Rolls and…Mumford and Sons

You’ll be pleased to know the Wedding Singer returned with my car yesterday and was on Cloud Nine because his band’s performance had gone so well.  The bride was so pleased she wrapped herself around my Archie and gave him a big embrace to thank him.  Archie, having never before sung at a wedding, (in […]

Toffee Apples and Art Classes

One of the activities I used to do when growing up was Art Classes.  I’ve no idea why as I certainly showed no emerging signs of talent.  I do have a big sister though and she did show signs of talent, or it could have been effort but more likely a combination of the two […]

Fruit Muffins and The Specialty Generation

When I was growing up there was only one professional we were taken to and that was the local doctor.  He covered every complaint and condition and if it was beyond or outside his realm of expertise, you clearly had something that wasn’t worth mentioning. We didn’t have appointments with anyone else and we grew […]

They’re Engaged!

I work freelance for a business that’s located walking distance from where I live.  A few weeks ago I invited the director of the company and his partner to dinner.  We had a lovely night as the director’s partner and I discovered we had a lot in common with both of us having a nursing […]

Mini Party Quiches and Another Grand Design

There’s another grand design. It’s for a final maths class.  And they’re celebrating with another class party. This time I got in first.  I said, ‘Arabella, you all have the Valedictory Dinner coming up in just a few days and I know you’re all trying to squeeze into dresses two sizes too small and that […]